Today's Quote:
"Meet me outside, in the shadow of leaves" - Samurai Jack
damn... its been way too long since i thought about that show.
In my never-ending quest to find work, I head north to visit my mother and attain my orginal Birth Certificate to prove I am a citizen of this "country" (might end up a kingdom before too long). I lost my Social Security card years ago and never got a new one since I had an OLD old copy of my BC. After the DPS fiasco of the previous blogs was taken care of, I was using the BC to apply for work, but it's now so dark it's unreadable. So I run down to the Social Security office over and over again (long wait times and system crashes) all to find out that I have to wait another 2 weeks to receive the card. So, I'm at Mom's and we head down to the storage place and wouldn't you know it, I'm misplaced. My older brother and younger sister's BC are there and mine's gone missing. Talk about bad luck this month
I stay the night and head into town to City hall to get a 23 dollar printout from there. So, hopefully I'm back on track.
Also I found my old passport from when my family moved to Saudi Arabia (Al QUEADA RUN!!!!!
Wow.... I was an UGLY little man.. wasn't I
And of course... my Emergency ID
"Meet me outside, in the shadow of leaves" - Samurai Jack
damn... its been way too long since i thought about that show.

In my never-ending quest to find work, I head north to visit my mother and attain my orginal Birth Certificate to prove I am a citizen of this "country" (might end up a kingdom before too long). I lost my Social Security card years ago and never got a new one since I had an OLD old copy of my BC. After the DPS fiasco of the previous blogs was taken care of, I was using the BC to apply for work, but it's now so dark it's unreadable. So I run down to the Social Security office over and over again (long wait times and system crashes) all to find out that I have to wait another 2 weeks to receive the card. So, I'm at Mom's and we head down to the storage place and wouldn't you know it, I'm misplaced. My older brother and younger sister's BC are there and mine's gone missing. Talk about bad luck this month

Also I found my old passport from when my family moved to Saudi Arabia (Al QUEADA RUN!!!!!

Wow.... I was an UGLY little man.. wasn't I

And of course... my Emergency ID

I love you