Today's Quotes:
"I am Joe's Enraged, Inflamed Sense of Rejection" - Narrator from Fight Club, by Chuck Palahniuk.
I used to have a poster on my wall. Two Cherubs (baby angels) on a wall , like in a Charlie Brown comic. Their smoking two blunts while a shining cannabus leaf floats above them. When I first saw it in a store I said out loud, "I HAVE to have this."
After about a year, and multiple moves, it got tore up and I had to chuck it. Recently I got to thinking, and loe and behold, I found it. Or at least something close.
Isnt this just the COOLest..
"I am Joe's Enraged, Inflamed Sense of Rejection" - Narrator from Fight Club, by Chuck Palahniuk.
I used to have a poster on my wall. Two Cherubs (baby angels) on a wall , like in a Charlie Brown comic. Their smoking two blunts while a shining cannabus leaf floats above them. When I first saw it in a store I said out loud, "I HAVE to have this."

After about a year, and multiple moves, it got tore up and I had to chuck it. Recently I got to thinking, and loe and behold, I found it. Or at least something close.

Isnt this just the COOLest..

I think we just proved that Fight Club is one of the best novels/movies ever...
Oh, I have. Big fan of power metal. Blind Guardian is my personal favorite, but Dragonforce is pretty cool. Good drinking music.