Today's quote
just seems to match this site, doesnt it?
To Lady Kathrine and Freebird70285.... My computer threw me out of the internet, I didnt mean to be an asshole and leave you without so much as a goodbye... I was looking forward to making Kat giggle some more...
IN the meantime till I got back online, I went and watched Prozac Nation. Goddam Christina Ricci is so luscious. Ive been in lust with her since she was in Casper. Probably make me about 13 or so. The concept of the movie is intriguing, since some Docs are more businesspersons than caregivers. And people dig it for two simple reasons, to me: It's cheap and its quick. Personally, I think there's no mental problen that cant be solved with willpower and intellect. Course thats gonna be a load of horseshit when Im 80 and wetting myself cause my brain aint so quick to stop the flood no more. *shrugs* Eh.... oh well..
Friday was an interesting night. We had a cop up at the house. Heres the scoop. Many moons ago my roommate had a girlfriend who lived here with us. They got a dog, a shit-zu/poodle mix. They fought all the time over who's dog it is (usually when one either spoils or spanks the dog). So eventually they got another dog (one for him one for her), as if THAT solved everything. Its like putting a band-aid over a three foot gash in a truck tire. So, as predictable as the seasons, they broke up. She took HER dog (the new one, a shit-zu/Yorkshire mix) and he kept his. About two months later, my boy is driving home when he sees HER dog making its way towards our house. She [the dog] had to have been walking for about 2-3 hours to get as far as she did. So Ex-comes over, boy and girl fight over things I dont care about, and she takes her dog home. Now during the next few months, she and he have had someone harrass them, I know not who. After enough harrassment without a suspect, she immediately looks to my roommate. Seeing how she doesnt even tell her father that they still hang out (we've had to hide her car because she was scared of Vandalism), daddy has jumped on the "ex-boyfirend is a criminal" bandwagon, though it dont help much when my boy is sneaking around trying to communicate with her without her family finding out cause he "doesnt want to get her into trouble" (Oh discordia!!). Fast forward to present. Communications have broke down when girls father called the cops on boy after he tried to hand over some of girls belongings. And now yesterday He goes out into the front yard and sees the little runaway puppy scratching at the door. Naturally, he sends her an email telling her that her dog is at the house.. AGAIN! I send her an email as well, though I fairly certain I wasnt as kind in MY email. I was straight about it, and, once again as predictable as the rising of the sun, cops we called on her behalf. It was one cop, and it appears ex-girl was rather intoxicated. Why does that leave me with the idea that the cop was lookin to impress a young woman? Anyways, Im fairly certain we'll be seeing that dog again.
Can someone tell me Im living in a badly scripted soap opera and that my contracts about to expire?
OH discordia ( I know this is annoying but I like using it when completely assinine thing happen that people naturally blow WAY out of proportion)

just seems to match this site, doesnt it?
To Lady Kathrine and Freebird70285.... My computer threw me out of the internet, I didnt mean to be an asshole and leave you without so much as a goodbye... I was looking forward to making Kat giggle some more...

IN the meantime till I got back online, I went and watched Prozac Nation. Goddam Christina Ricci is so luscious. Ive been in lust with her since she was in Casper. Probably make me about 13 or so. The concept of the movie is intriguing, since some Docs are more businesspersons than caregivers. And people dig it for two simple reasons, to me: It's cheap and its quick. Personally, I think there's no mental problen that cant be solved with willpower and intellect. Course thats gonna be a load of horseshit when Im 80 and wetting myself cause my brain aint so quick to stop the flood no more. *shrugs* Eh.... oh well..
Friday was an interesting night. We had a cop up at the house. Heres the scoop. Many moons ago my roommate had a girlfriend who lived here with us. They got a dog, a shit-zu/poodle mix. They fought all the time over who's dog it is (usually when one either spoils or spanks the dog). So eventually they got another dog (one for him one for her), as if THAT solved everything. Its like putting a band-aid over a three foot gash in a truck tire. So, as predictable as the seasons, they broke up. She took HER dog (the new one, a shit-zu/Yorkshire mix) and he kept his. About two months later, my boy is driving home when he sees HER dog making its way towards our house. She [the dog] had to have been walking for about 2-3 hours to get as far as she did. So Ex-comes over, boy and girl fight over things I dont care about, and she takes her dog home. Now during the next few months, she and he have had someone harrass them, I know not who. After enough harrassment without a suspect, she immediately looks to my roommate. Seeing how she doesnt even tell her father that they still hang out (we've had to hide her car because she was scared of Vandalism), daddy has jumped on the "ex-boyfirend is a criminal" bandwagon, though it dont help much when my boy is sneaking around trying to communicate with her without her family finding out cause he "doesnt want to get her into trouble" (Oh discordia!!). Fast forward to present. Communications have broke down when girls father called the cops on boy after he tried to hand over some of girls belongings. And now yesterday He goes out into the front yard and sees the little runaway puppy scratching at the door. Naturally, he sends her an email telling her that her dog is at the house.. AGAIN! I send her an email as well, though I fairly certain I wasnt as kind in MY email. I was straight about it, and, once again as predictable as the rising of the sun, cops we called on her behalf. It was one cop, and it appears ex-girl was rather intoxicated. Why does that leave me with the idea that the cop was lookin to impress a young woman? Anyways, Im fairly certain we'll be seeing that dog again.
Can someone tell me Im living in a badly scripted soap opera and that my contracts about to expire?
OH discordia ( I know this is annoying but I like using it when completely assinine thing happen that people naturally blow WAY out of proportion)
who doesnt like fluffy pink cuffs????
please don't tell me you tried it.....surely you couldn't have.....did you?????