Today's Quote:
"Everything I do.... I do it for you." - Bryan Adams
Ahh the retarded things guys will do for a woman, even if it's your premiscuis ex- girlfriend who lies to her parents.
My roommate almost got himself arrested because his ex's father doesn't know that they still communicate. She still comes over, they chill in his room. She even asked us to hide her car in our garage because it got vandalized one day. Recently my boy drove to her work to give her some pictures.... and her father was there, with a cop. Cop told daddy to stay back while he had a word with my roommate. Once the cop had the other side of the story, he saw no reason to arrest my boy. Hes got her number recorded mulitple times in his cell under "received calls" and her dad STILL thinks he's stalking her. I guarantee there's gonna be court involved, and only when he swears on a bible will my roommate spills the naughty beans about the man's daughter. All this cause she doesnt have the guts to be straight with her old man from the get go. If you wanna live your life without having to answer to anyone... fucking MOVE OUT OF YOUR PARENTS HOUSE!! *pants* sorry... bit of a sore spot there. Shes got a good job... makes good money. She can afford to live on her own. I guess shes just too damn lazy, and appearantly too arrogant to believe she can do whatever she wants in her parent's house without having to answer to the owners of the house for her actions.
What a fucked up scenario...*groan*
"Everything I do.... I do it for you." - Bryan Adams
Ahh the retarded things guys will do for a woman, even if it's your premiscuis ex- girlfriend who lies to her parents.
My roommate almost got himself arrested because his ex's father doesn't know that they still communicate. She still comes over, they chill in his room. She even asked us to hide her car in our garage because it got vandalized one day. Recently my boy drove to her work to give her some pictures.... and her father was there, with a cop. Cop told daddy to stay back while he had a word with my roommate. Once the cop had the other side of the story, he saw no reason to arrest my boy. Hes got her number recorded mulitple times in his cell under "received calls" and her dad STILL thinks he's stalking her. I guarantee there's gonna be court involved, and only when he swears on a bible will my roommate spills the naughty beans about the man's daughter. All this cause she doesnt have the guts to be straight with her old man from the get go. If you wanna live your life without having to answer to anyone... fucking MOVE OUT OF YOUR PARENTS HOUSE!! *pants* sorry... bit of a sore spot there. Shes got a good job... makes good money. She can afford to live on her own. I guess shes just too damn lazy, and appearantly too arrogant to believe she can do whatever she wants in her parent's house without having to answer to the owners of the house for her actions.
What a fucked up scenario...*groan*

Good call even though that ain't lego. Though the picture probably very poor