"I am Joe's Enraged, Inflamed Sense of Rejection" - Narrator from Fight Club, by Chuck Palahniuk.
I used to have a poster on my wall. Two Cherubs (baby angels) on a wall , like in a Charlie Brown comic. Their smoking two blunts while a shining cannabus leaf floats above them. When I first saw it in a store I said out loud,... Read More
Todays Quote:
"...Through the fire and the flames, we carry on!" - Dragonforce
If ya'll wanna hear that song in whole just click on my myspace link.
I decided to update my work references. It turned out to be tougher than I thought, especially since all the people I used to work with left my old work. I got it done though, so it's all... Read More
My muscles are aching like a sonuvabitch. I love the pain, especially since I know where it came from.
All I can say is BEST! BIRTHDAY! EVER! hehehe.....
YOu have no Idea how it feels after three years of drought. She's been gone two hours, my lips are still savoring her taste. My fingertips are still vibrating from the... Read More
Today's Quote:
"Rarely has strength been the appropriate solution to terrorism" - Captain Jean Luc Picard
I am a sad sad little man....
I applyed for a job at a towing company awhile back and I had an interview today. I drove up to the towing business, and something just didnt feel right about the whole deal. Like I thought, "If I go in there... Read More
Today's Quote:
"You put the lime in the Coke, you nut, and drink them both together" - Coke with Lime jingle
Good news: I got a job on Friday...
Bad News: I lost it today. Total two days work. whoops
I applyed to a staffing firm about a position they advertised. It involved refurbishing video slot machines for re-use. I thought, "OKay i'll be working... Read More
Today's Quote:
"Captain, I fear our ship my be sailing into Baptist waters" - My Brother John's senior year quote
My roommate cooked plenty of Bbq today, Jalapeno Cheese Opal Sausage and hambugers. Yummy!!
I got yelled at cause I put Ketchup on my tortilla to wrap up my sausage. Fuck em, I dont like mustard. Too Tangy.
Looks Ill be working soon. I applyed... Read More
Today's Quote:
"Vice President Dick Cheney, speaking at a political luncheon in Chicago, denounced the decision to reveal the existence of the financial monitoring program and the earlier-disclosed National Security Agency surveillance program.
"What I find most disturbing about these stories is that some of the news media take it upon themselves to disclose vital national security programs, thereby making it more difficult for us... Read More