Today was exactly what I needed. I didn't spend any money (except to fill my gas tank) and I still had a fantastic day full of unforgettable memories. I do cherish a great friend when I find one, and that's truly what Alex is.
We woke up bright and early, for a Sunday atleast, and hiked our butts up to New Hope. The two of us spent the entire day carrying on intelligent and meanigful conversation about more than just "what's up", we ran into old friends, and we reconnected on new levels we never have before. I didn't realize how much I missed his company because we completely get each other. There's no trying to impress anyone, we're just 100% comfortable in our own skin with each other and it's awesome. This day of venting and friending is totally what I needed. Not to mention, the weather was to die for.
I'm not watching the Super Bowl, I haven't seen any part of it yet and I don't plan to. That's really all I've got on that.
More potential snow this week. Suuuure...
The next five or so days will be full of a lot of waiting and anticipation for many reasons:
-I should be hearing back about the model open house I went to
-I will be seeing my doctor for my blood test results and evaluating my medicines, diet, and exercise... yeck
-I have my first Italian exam, half written half oral
-It's about time that I should be getting an address to send stuff to Iraq
-I'm waiting on responses to several small potential photo shoots
-I applied to a new modeling agency
-I'm flat broke and don't get paid until Friday, attempting to pack lunches all week should prove interesting
So pretty much I'm in a jolly mood right now
I haven't been in a while, but New Hope does that to me. All of the little nooks and crannies of all of those little stores just brings out the best in people. Alex helped a lot, too. He's such a caring person, he really listens and gives honest and meaningful advice. I of course did the same for him. Today almost felt magical. I feel alive again. I need this Spring weather!
I love this post-it note I have hanging on my magnet board next to my laptop... I jotted down the quote from a PM between my buddy M and I. It's great. I'll write it, but it's probably not the same unless you were, like, there...
"Remember what you said to me: breathe.
And remember what I said to you: be like Fonzie."
That makes me smile everytime I read it. He's fabulous, too. I wish I could make things better for him right now
He deserves nothing but the best.
I should get to studying, the Russian is kicking my ass in Italian right now. Which reminds me, I told him I would ask around...
Does anyone know of a place where you can find "porn", so to speak, or just erotica, images, anything, where the women are playing a zombie roll? My friend sort of has that fetish. Not in a necropheliac sort of way, just like, zombie-ish? I'm terrible at explaining this. Thanks for any help.
We woke up bright and early, for a Sunday atleast, and hiked our butts up to New Hope. The two of us spent the entire day carrying on intelligent and meanigful conversation about more than just "what's up", we ran into old friends, and we reconnected on new levels we never have before. I didn't realize how much I missed his company because we completely get each other. There's no trying to impress anyone, we're just 100% comfortable in our own skin with each other and it's awesome. This day of venting and friending is totally what I needed. Not to mention, the weather was to die for.
I'm not watching the Super Bowl, I haven't seen any part of it yet and I don't plan to. That's really all I've got on that.
More potential snow this week. Suuuure...
The next five or so days will be full of a lot of waiting and anticipation for many reasons:
-I should be hearing back about the model open house I went to
-I will be seeing my doctor for my blood test results and evaluating my medicines, diet, and exercise... yeck
-I have my first Italian exam, half written half oral
-It's about time that I should be getting an address to send stuff to Iraq
-I'm waiting on responses to several small potential photo shoots
-I applied to a new modeling agency
-I'm flat broke and don't get paid until Friday, attempting to pack lunches all week should prove interesting
So pretty much I'm in a jolly mood right now

I love this post-it note I have hanging on my magnet board next to my laptop... I jotted down the quote from a PM between my buddy M and I. It's great. I'll write it, but it's probably not the same unless you were, like, there...
"Remember what you said to me: breathe.
And remember what I said to you: be like Fonzie."
That makes me smile everytime I read it. He's fabulous, too. I wish I could make things better for him right now

I should get to studying, the Russian is kicking my ass in Italian right now. Which reminds me, I told him I would ask around...
Does anyone know of a place where you can find "porn", so to speak, or just erotica, images, anything, where the women are playing a zombie roll? My friend sort of has that fetish. Not in a necropheliac sort of way, just like, zombie-ish? I'm terrible at explaining this. Thanks for any help.
I only came across it on her blog!!! (and this is the internet) JEEEEEEZ!!!
He just texted me. He wants to introduce me to a 'friend' of his tomorrow. He thinks I'll like her. Professional contact? Romantic connection? I dunno. Maybe he's setting me up. Haha. Guess I'll find out.