"She lured him in with a masochistic kiss
And he wished he could be anywhere, be anywhere but here"
I forgot I had this song on my computer! Never gets old
So today I went out to lunch with a friend I haven't seen in months and a 'friend' I see too much. It was alright, then I got drug out shopping. I of course spent money that I did not have, however I'm slightly okay with it. I wanted to buy 'The Soloist' book, but I couldn't find it.
I then came across a new perfume store that was selling the Armani Code I always drool over and tell myself I will eventually buy. This particular store was selling a gift set that included the perfume, lotion, and body wash for two dollars more than the medium size of the perfume. I don't know, it just seemed like a no brainer at the time. Now I'm regretting it, watching my bank account shrink. Oh well. Like I keep saying; when I'm poor and living on the street, I'll atleast look and smell really good doing it.
Last night I ventured out to start shopping for the first box I'll be shipping to Iraq, whenever the Army lets Andrew give me an address. The cost of shipping is going to really kick me in the face, everything I want to send it so heavy, ha ha. Again, oh well. That's what I'm here for.
I'm going out of sequence in this blog. That just goes to show the completely disheveled mood I've been in all day. I can't seem to get my shit together. And please, please... don't even mention that Eagles game to me yet. Jesus Christ...
I have to be in work earlier than usual tomorrow for our in-service day. The owner is buying us bagels, which is kind of cool, but I'm not going to get my parking spot and the days events will pretty much blow. I have an hour long staff meeting during breakfast, then I get to clean and bleach toys for two hours. Cleaning is followed by a three hour meeting involving training and more certifications, then an hour for lunch. When I return? More rearranging and cleaning. I told them I'm rolling out of bed and showing up in my pajamas.
Wednesday night can't come soon enough! I don't know how I'm going to pay for my textbook (that I'm assuming I'll need), but I'm still 300% stoked!!!
I've been wanting to learn Italian for as long as I can remember. This will do wonders for me on my trip to Italy! I'm hoping, hoping, HOPING I can go for my birthday. That would make my life.
I would like to take this time to say that I truly think the 'shuffle' feature on music players is one of the greatest things ever invented. It brings such diversity to my world.
"You're not alone
There is more to this, I know.
You can make it out,
You will live to tell."
Another favorite that I am more than sure I posted about before...
Love me down music, love me down.
And he wished he could be anywhere, be anywhere but here"
I forgot I had this song on my computer! Never gets old

So today I went out to lunch with a friend I haven't seen in months and a 'friend' I see too much. It was alright, then I got drug out shopping. I of course spent money that I did not have, however I'm slightly okay with it. I wanted to buy 'The Soloist' book, but I couldn't find it.

Last night I ventured out to start shopping for the first box I'll be shipping to Iraq, whenever the Army lets Andrew give me an address. The cost of shipping is going to really kick me in the face, everything I want to send it so heavy, ha ha. Again, oh well. That's what I'm here for.

I'm going out of sequence in this blog. That just goes to show the completely disheveled mood I've been in all day. I can't seem to get my shit together. And please, please... don't even mention that Eagles game to me yet. Jesus Christ...
I have to be in work earlier than usual tomorrow for our in-service day. The owner is buying us bagels, which is kind of cool, but I'm not going to get my parking spot and the days events will pretty much blow. I have an hour long staff meeting during breakfast, then I get to clean and bleach toys for two hours. Cleaning is followed by a three hour meeting involving training and more certifications, then an hour for lunch. When I return? More rearranging and cleaning. I told them I'm rolling out of bed and showing up in my pajamas.
Wednesday night can't come soon enough! I don't know how I'm going to pay for my textbook (that I'm assuming I'll need), but I'm still 300% stoked!!!

I would like to take this time to say that I truly think the 'shuffle' feature on music players is one of the greatest things ever invented. It brings such diversity to my world.

"You're not alone
There is more to this, I know.
You can make it out,
You will live to tell."
Another favorite that I am more than sure I posted about before...
Love me down music, love me down.

hmmm. tempting. i'll think about that. could make for an interesting conversational piece....
It's always nice to hear songs you forgot about...