There are twelve more days until Christmas, and I'm basically ready, but this whole season always puts me in an over-the-top money spending type of mood. I thought I planned well this year, but I just got all of my bills in the mail at once, and every one of them needs to be payed before the New Year.
x I just payed my phone bill.
x I did my food shopping last night, so I'm good until next weekend.
- My car insurance is due this coming Friday.
- My tuition is due this coming Wednesday.
- I have to make a payment on my Express card by the 29th, but I'd rather just pay it off.
- My car needs front brakes and inspection.
But, you know what? I always manage
I'm glad I'm not all too irresponsible. I joke a lot, but a lot of people tell me I really have my shit together for only being twenty. i just like the feeling I get from knowing I am more mature than all of my older brothers combined; the majority of which STILL don't know what they want out of life. (They range from age twenty one to thirty three, by the way.)
But anyway, on to more exciting things, or atleast less pointless things. Er, well whatever...
It flurried here again today! It's about time to dig out my camera and finish what I started last year. Someone I used to be very close to gave me this very nice film camera, and during our first real snow last winter I took it out into the woods and just shot for hours. I remember not even feeling cold, at all, because I was just so overwhelmed by the beauty of nature and the amazing silence out there. With that said, after developing all of the film (both color and black and white), I started a little photo album of my work. I'm one of those people who loves to do art of all forms, but I rarely ever show anybody what I create. I started this album so I could include my absolute favorite and most talented shots I took, and so that I would eventually have a decent amount of work to show off. Of the about 200 pictures I took last year, I'm pretty sure I only put ten in. Photography has been a passion since I was very young, but I'm way too shy to ever show anybody my serious work. That and sketching, I've always had a rediculous amount of sketch books just laying around my room for as far back as I can remember. The only reason I didn't register for an art-related major in college is because I knew I wouldn't have the balls to do it for a living. My high school major was Graphic Arts, and I loved that, but if I could make a living using my hands to create beauty I could die happy.
Speaking of college, I registered for my Spring semester. I don't have the money to go full-time again, so I'm only taking six credits this time around. The break from all that work will be nice, but I'd really much rather just get it done. As far as my major, every day I think about it I end up coming closer to the conclusion that I want to change it. Right now I'm working towards my transfer major in Education, and I was planning to teach kindergarten. I'm just so indecisive, and I want to do a little bit of everything in life. While I figure that out (hopefully by the summer) I'll just be focusing highly on my Italian class
I've been trying to teach myself the language for years, I can't wait to actually learn it!
My parents and I just finished packing up my brothers' Christmas box. Every year that he is in Iraq we send him and his troop a box of cookies, gifts, books, stuff they need, and a little tree with decorations. It's fun, and he says he love it there, but there's nothing like having all of your siblings on U.S. soil for the holidays. Which reminds me, I need to finish packing up a Christmas package for a friend of mine who landed himself, once again, in jail
It's a shame, because he is a great person, but he doesn't know how to get away from the shitty people in his life. I'm not allowed to send him very much, but they agreed to let me ship a few little things to make him feel like he was still getting Christmas in jail. I'm working with him, though, over the next two to four years that he'll be there to assist him in self-reflecting, seeing where he makes his mistakes, and educating him on how he can makes some drastic changes now, and when he gets out. He's one of my oldest and best friends, it's such a shame to see him in this situation.
I didn't realize how much I just rambled on here, but wow.... I don't even think I've said anything of value yet, either. Sometimes I just like to write, it helps clear my head. I suppose it's time to get my ass in gear rather than sitting around all day. I pulled two more tags off of our wall at work (we adopt families, and put up tags of things they're asking for) because even though I don't have money to buy my friends presents this year, I still feel like I should be contributing to those less fortunate families who cannot provide any type of Christmas to their children. I'd rather give them warm clothes and the joy of knowing the world can still be a worthwhile place than give my spoiled friends more junk they don't need, or can buy for themselves. 'Tis the season
Happy Holidays, have a great weekend, Cheers!
x I just payed my phone bill.
x I did my food shopping last night, so I'm good until next weekend.
- My car insurance is due this coming Friday.
- My tuition is due this coming Wednesday.
- I have to make a payment on my Express card by the 29th, but I'd rather just pay it off.
- My car needs front brakes and inspection.
But, you know what? I always manage

But anyway, on to more exciting things, or atleast less pointless things. Er, well whatever...
It flurried here again today! It's about time to dig out my camera and finish what I started last year. Someone I used to be very close to gave me this very nice film camera, and during our first real snow last winter I took it out into the woods and just shot for hours. I remember not even feeling cold, at all, because I was just so overwhelmed by the beauty of nature and the amazing silence out there. With that said, after developing all of the film (both color and black and white), I started a little photo album of my work. I'm one of those people who loves to do art of all forms, but I rarely ever show anybody what I create. I started this album so I could include my absolute favorite and most talented shots I took, and so that I would eventually have a decent amount of work to show off. Of the about 200 pictures I took last year, I'm pretty sure I only put ten in. Photography has been a passion since I was very young, but I'm way too shy to ever show anybody my serious work. That and sketching, I've always had a rediculous amount of sketch books just laying around my room for as far back as I can remember. The only reason I didn't register for an art-related major in college is because I knew I wouldn't have the balls to do it for a living. My high school major was Graphic Arts, and I loved that, but if I could make a living using my hands to create beauty I could die happy.
Speaking of college, I registered for my Spring semester. I don't have the money to go full-time again, so I'm only taking six credits this time around. The break from all that work will be nice, but I'd really much rather just get it done. As far as my major, every day I think about it I end up coming closer to the conclusion that I want to change it. Right now I'm working towards my transfer major in Education, and I was planning to teach kindergarten. I'm just so indecisive, and I want to do a little bit of everything in life. While I figure that out (hopefully by the summer) I'll just be focusing highly on my Italian class

My parents and I just finished packing up my brothers' Christmas box. Every year that he is in Iraq we send him and his troop a box of cookies, gifts, books, stuff they need, and a little tree with decorations. It's fun, and he says he love it there, but there's nothing like having all of your siblings on U.S. soil for the holidays. Which reminds me, I need to finish packing up a Christmas package for a friend of mine who landed himself, once again, in jail

I didn't realize how much I just rambled on here, but wow.... I don't even think I've said anything of value yet, either. Sometimes I just like to write, it helps clear my head. I suppose it's time to get my ass in gear rather than sitting around all day. I pulled two more tags off of our wall at work (we adopt families, and put up tags of things they're asking for) because even though I don't have money to buy my friends presents this year, I still feel like I should be contributing to those less fortunate families who cannot provide any type of Christmas to their children. I'd rather give them warm clothes and the joy of knowing the world can still be a worthwhile place than give my spoiled friends more junk they don't need, or can buy for themselves. 'Tis the season

Happy Holidays, have a great weekend, Cheers!
12 more inches today!!! WEEEEE!!!

I'm sorry
When given the choice, it's snow for me. Any in the forecast?