Today started off really great because it snowed! It snowed a lot, and up where I work it stuck and it was beautiful and crazy, so much snow in October?!! Then it started raining again, and it was allllllll downhill from there. Not only did the weather postpone the Phillies game even longer, but it meant I was stuck inside all day with my whole class of screaming 2 and 3 year olds. During their lunch we had a fire in the building, so we had to rush everyone outside in the slush and mud and freezing rain; it was rediculous. Nothing big, so we went back in shortly and finished their lunches. Then I spent the majority of my lunch hour stuck in traffic due to the insane amount of accidents on the main roads. When I left work my car broke down on I-95 so I had to go home before school and nab my mom's car for the night. As if that weren't enough, I was rushing to class because I was running so behind, then I finally get there... SCHOOL WAS FUCKING CLOSED! Douches didn't email, call, text, post on the site... nothing. Shitty shitty day. Thankfully ma dukes made my favorite soup
So, for the moment, it's all good in the hood.
It just sucks that I get the night off free and there's no Phils game to watch

It just sucks that I get the night off free and there's no Phils game to watch

I hate it when I show up to class to find it's canceled. Worst.