blargle pargle, morgy porge. i've been lazy with this site recently. my subscription is up sometime in february and i'm not sure if i'll renew it. my work/money situation has been pretty substandard for the last few months and it wouldn't hurt to save some money. it's also my last semester with school, so i'll be busy and it might be nice to take a break from the site for a couple months. we shall see.
my birthday was really gay. gay as in me and my friends went to a gay bar and sang kareokee. i had a gay guy hit on me while i was singing 'touch myself' and got all my friends to be the 'do do do do' chorus for walk on the wild side.
school just started. it's weird as i've only got two real classes, on of which doesn't start until later and is only a month long. i've got an independent study class and service learning with kids in a couple weeks. i've been thinking of sitting in on some classes, but like previous years, i'll probably abandon this after a week or so. my sociology capstone prof has a little bit of noble european syndrome, but hopefully i'll be able to put up with it. i'm going to see the conformists again this weekend and am going to try and record the show better this time around.
i like sophie's new set. normally i'm not big into tattoos, but she has some nice ones.
ever since new years, i've been hanging out with lesa more often. i'm not really sure what to think about the whole relationship, but i usually chalk that up to just being neurotic.
my birthday was really gay. gay as in me and my friends went to a gay bar and sang kareokee. i had a gay guy hit on me while i was singing 'touch myself' and got all my friends to be the 'do do do do' chorus for walk on the wild side.
school just started. it's weird as i've only got two real classes, on of which doesn't start until later and is only a month long. i've got an independent study class and service learning with kids in a couple weeks. i've been thinking of sitting in on some classes, but like previous years, i'll probably abandon this after a week or so. my sociology capstone prof has a little bit of noble european syndrome, but hopefully i'll be able to put up with it. i'm going to see the conformists again this weekend and am going to try and record the show better this time around.
i like sophie's new set. normally i'm not big into tattoos, but she has some nice ones.
ever since new years, i've been hanging out with lesa more often. i'm not really sure what to think about the whole relationship, but i usually chalk that up to just being neurotic.
ha. it took me so long to comment (i left the puter) that you had already updated by the time i was done. lol. so my comment is on your last journal entry. and it's really weird cuz when i was done writing your comment, i went and saw u had just written me almost the same comment. WOW this whole paragraph is repetative & confusing