been crazy busy with work and school. probably only going to get worse. my soc capstone is going okay, though my prof has a case of noble european syndrome which will probably get annoying. it's discussion based which is nice, but my brain doesn't like to work at 9:30 in the morning. i counted 100 plus unnecessary uses of the word 'like' the other day...
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blargle pargle, morgy porge. i've been lazy with this site recently. my subscription is up sometime in february and i'm not sure if i'll renew it. my work/money situation has been pretty substandard for the last few months and it wouldn't hurt to save some money. it's also my last semester with school, so i'll be busy and it might be nice to take a...
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ha. it took me so long to comment (i left the puter) that you had already updated by the time i was done. lol. so my comment is on your last journal entry. and it's really weird cuz when i was done writing your comment, i went and saw u had just written me almost the same comment. WOW this whole paragraph is repetative & confusing

christmas went okay. it's really interesting how when you get older, you basically end up getting things you need but just don't feel like buying yourself, like a clothes hamper. also get a new computer, a cute little mini mac. a few other things worth mentioning would be a dvd of some like it hot, a big ass jar of branston pickle, a marilyn monroe...
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hey hey hey!....sorry i didnt stop & say hi at the bookstore the other day! (well today) was wicked busy in there & i was all stressed working. total wage slave
. see ya around.
[Edited on Jan 17, 2006 11:39PM]

[Edited on Jan 17, 2006 11:39PM]
i've totally slacked off on studying for all of my finals, but don't really care. i'm the point of being able to pass all of my classes no matter what (except maybe not showing up for the final at all). last one (culture evolution and change) tomorrow at 10:30. ended up going to a bar with a classmate after about half an hour of...
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i've totally slacked off on studying for all of my finals, but don't really care. i'm the point of being able to pass all of my classes no matter what (except maybe not showing up for the final at all). last one (culture evolution and change) tomorrow at 10:30. ended up going to a bar with a classmate after about half an hour of...
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she's a cool bitch!
i know her cuz i'm friends with a lot of the girl rugby players (i.e. she's a rugby player) lol. ...oh! & it's 'dreidel'.
ps. i cant believe i recognized you from only seeing you once! & at that, in female clothing.

ps. i cant believe i recognized you from only seeing you once! & at that, in female clothing.

I live in Lakeland Florida. It's 45 minutes away from Tampa.
I've actually never been to Miami..
I've actually never been to Miami..
just got done eating falafel and hummus with pita and katamala olives. utterly filling.
went to st. louis last night to see one of my favorite bands, the conformists (shameless plug, i know). i email them a few weeks ago and they let tape with show with my 4 track. it turned out...okay. it ended up being REALLY bassy, and a little distortion and noise...
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went to st. louis last night to see one of my favorite bands, the conformists (shameless plug, i know). i email them a few weeks ago and they let tape with show with my 4 track. it turned out...okay. it ended up being REALLY bassy, and a little distortion and noise...
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ya i bet G-d tastes good


ARGH!!! MY FAVORITE SG's LIST GOT ERASED!!! i forgot the names of a couple too. mumble, grumble....
i made spegetti with tvp and garlic bread. oooh.... yum.
anyways, i've just been busy with crazy, dumb, stupid stuff like classes, getting ready for finals, work and trying to figure out if i am going to graduate on time. still up in the air until i get...
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i made spegetti with tvp and garlic bread. oooh.... yum.
anyways, i've just been busy with crazy, dumb, stupid stuff like classes, getting ready for finals, work and trying to figure out if i am going to graduate on time. still up in the air until i get...
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mmm sounds tasty. i wish there were more veggie/vegan folks who liked to shared dinners around these parts.
i just made vegetarian strogenoff. it was good.
mmm food. must go eat.

i have a very social weekend. my friend steve was in town, and being the very connected and socially well adapted sort of guy he is, i ended up going out and doing a lot with lots of peoples. my friends also had a house party and unlike most house parties around these parts, it was pretty nice and there were plenty of cool people....
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MarlaMay suits me more than hotboxxit i think. plus it sounds more like a suicide girl name.

okay, so hotboxxit tagged me and i have to list 20 things about me.
1- my favorite colour is green
2- i grew up way out in the country. really, our neighbors were a mile away and long distance to call
3- i have a tendancy to splure on whatever i'm into at the moment. case i point, i just spent 80 bucks onJandek...
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1- my favorite colour is green
2- i grew up way out in the country. really, our neighbors were a mile away and long distance to call
3- i have a tendancy to splure on whatever i'm into at the moment. case i point, i just spent 80 bucks onJandek...
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boy howdy all right now!!! halloween is fast approaching and i am pretty damn excited, it being my favorite holiday don'cha know. i get to see the original texas chainsaw massacre on the big screen AND wear my ed gein costume. devendra banhart show tomorrow and i've got FREE tickets. my friends are playing a concert sunday and on the most holy and graven night...
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it will be a modest party, but you are welcome
121 S 10th St. apt 205
bring a friend if you like (and a tastey beverage)
hope to see ya soon, byeeeeeeeeeee

121 S 10th St. apt 205
bring a friend if you like (and a tastey beverage)
hope to see ya soon, byeeeeeeeeeee
I think it was yous guys over there that 'invented' halloween. But saw the potential for japes and high-jinks and latched onto it.
It could be an ancient pagan festival or something though. Maybe? I don't really know. Research mode activate.
Tell me, just how is a pro-choice abortion costume created? I picture umbilical cord and lots of fluids.
It could be an ancient pagan festival or something though. Maybe? I don't really know. Research mode activate.
Tell me, just how is a pro-choice abortion costume created? I picture umbilical cord and lots of fluids.
last week ended up being pretty lax in terms of school issues. granted, i did completely blow some stuff off that maybe i shouldn't have, but it was a nice break. this week and next week...well, they're going to be a bit more hectic.
pretty fun-busy weekend. went to my friend's rugby game, performed in a drag show later that night. though i wasn't as...
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pretty fun-busy weekend. went to my friend's rugby game, performed in a drag show later that night. though i wasn't as...
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ok so i just downloaded the songs u performed to and let me just say you did an amazing job. or maybe a super-duper job
Indeed.... I can visualize all of your 'genderbending moves' when i just hear the song.

u should change that profile pic to u. i bet ur way hotter than whoever that is.
"triuphant return? or self diluted rambling?"
been so long. the bane of having only public access internet has finally ended so maybe i can finally get around to being more active on this here site. the issues:
-school: it's been keeping me busy, but not in that 'god i have no free time and want to die' sort of way, just busy when i'm not...
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been so long. the bane of having only public access internet has finally ended so maybe i can finally get around to being more active on this here site. the issues:
-school: it's been keeping me busy, but not in that 'god i have no free time and want to die' sort of way, just busy when i'm not...
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what was the name of the second song u did?
ps superduper jobaroo

yeah, i'm at a bit of a loss as to what to say, you know? life keeps going on and new things around the corner...
yeah, i'm at a bit of a loss as to what to say, you know? life keeps going on and new things around the corner...
the out takes album has a really wilder version of European Son - it goes on an extra 2-3 minutes
I'll try and encode it soon