well im an arsekicking machine! been kickboxing for a few months now and im finally starting to get the hang of it. It's so much fun & gets rid of all my pent up anger! Not too much else has been going on, been to busy at work to have much of a life. Been swimming quite a bit, I got a new wetsuit so...
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dear dayna....
this is your journal speaking...
im getting very lonely hear and require more words to be inserted in me.
thank you for your co-operation..
kind regards,
if you dont update soon i shall start posting naked pictures of myself in your journal to scare off everyone

you have been warned
things are going a bit better for me since my last update, been snowboarding a few times. Last time was one of the best days i've ever had so you gotta be happy with that. Also life on the home front is looking up, moved in with my boyfriend which is going well aside from a few hicups. Only problem is im so broke, I...
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update yo shit girly.
kiss biggrin
dont make me come over there!
Yesterday was the worst day of my life, my dog (who is the centre of my universe) got hit by a car and died. I still can't get my head around it. Why is life so fuckn cruel.
heya... i talked to mike and heard about what happened. hope you are ok cause that really sucks, poor you and poor scout.
you know when i first read this i thought you were talking about shayne and i freaked out!
hope you are feeling better now... come to the pub quiz tomorrow night, im trying to organise it...

kiss frown
im such a fuckn slack arse, i know i havnt updated my journal in like forever but seriously ive been so busy. unfortunatly not a good busy either just work, work fucken work. Im workn 6-7 days a week 10-14hrs a day which leaves little or no time for anything else. Luckly I can take my dog to work or she would be very lonely!...
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heya punk!
she wants attention, and then when she gets it she doesnt want it. but last night she told me she loves to screw with my head and make me feel like shit cause it makes her feel good.
i cant put up with that shit anymore... she doesnt even realise everything i've done for her. i mean i changed my life to help her out and make her comfortable and all i get in return is head games.
so yeah i was supposed to be taking her to the snow this weekend as a treat but i guess thats cancelled now.
everythings gone ta shit mate! but oh well i'll move on...
yeah i hope you are getting paid by the hour... cause if not, you need the smackdown!
going to J5? im really looking forward to it.
hey... we are still goin to the mountain which will be cool and im looking forward to it. a couple of nights ago we had a HUGE blow up and both said some really rough things... (i was STILL holding back tho, i could have gone way harder cause i have a dastardly streak)...
anyway who are you going down with? me, flatmate sarah and katie are supposed to be going and meeting jezza and his workmate ben down there. we are staying at the turoa lodge in ohakune...
gimme the goss!
this is my first real jornal entry and its from my new laptop yay!! I've finally got it all up and running with internet etc so im ready for action. At the moment im laying in bed having a rest and checking out the SG world. Ended up working till 6am this moring so im kinda fucked, had a good day though, spending way too...
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we iz quizzin tonight.
where you been muthafucker? kiss
Note to self: Must start SG journal ASAP
Where's Molotov ??? Whats up bok .
Get ur laptop?
Chezui gettin you along to anymore quiz nights???
me be tired lately.. blackeyed
Where's ur fav suicide girls???
I just run myself down as per usual.
Guna have a party over at my house one day soon so you will have to make an appearance. wink
Give me a bell when you get your internet up and running.
Stephen and I will have to come over .....
Well sorry for the short message have to make a dash..
Speak to you soon smile