Yay! finally on the way in my quest for suicide girldom! I emailed missy this morning coz I still had'nt heard back from my 2nd attempt at getting the inital application to go through. I attached the pics in my email instead of through the website and it worked! She got back to me within a couple of hours to say I was in. I'm so glad, I figured i'd have to wait another couple of weeks to find out. So now to start planning my set.......such fun.
Shooting the set will be cool, even if it doesn't get accepted it'll be fun to dress up and prance around naked!

Can't wait to see your set...have fun shooting it! If you haven't already.
this is my first shoot for a hopeful, but not my first shoot on sg.. i did a set the other week for a girl in the psw group that came out ok.. i've also had a couple of other people ask me about doing sets for them as well, so with any luck i'll have some more photo's to upload to my portfolio soonish..
do you have email contacts for those photographers? if i were you i'd probably email them with a few photos and tell them what you're looking for in your shoot and ask them their thoughts about it.. that way you can get in contact and start to build the relationship from there, sometimes phone conversations can get a little strange specially if you start off the conversation with "hi, will you photograph me nude"
anyways, good luck with it, let me know if you have any questions or whatever, and hey, the offer still stands to shoot you if you wanna come to sydney for a weekend or something..