New article up!!!! It's the first of three parts talking about the huge music festival my boy and I went to, he's writing part two and we're going to knock out part three together. Lemme know what you think =)
**I have an interview on Wednesday that I'm very excited for. I had my interview, and it went exceptionally well. *So* well, in fact that they had me stay for a second interview. I'm to be expecting a call over the next few days, so hopefully it will be good news.
Unfortunately - I made a terrible judgement in my shoe selection. Very cute - but walking all day downtown was a bit hellatious. Evidence ---
**I have an interview on Wednesday that I'm very excited for. I had my interview, and it went exceptionally well. *So* well, in fact that they had me stay for a second interview. I'm to be expecting a call over the next few days, so hopefully it will be good news.
Unfortunately - I made a terrible judgement in my shoe selection. Very cute - but walking all day downtown was a bit hellatious. Evidence ---
**I'm itching to buy a plane ticket to see my boy. -- Yeah, nothing's changed here ♥
Also, still sending good juju your way for the new job.
Shame I now have no opportunity for makeup-buying tips.
Apologise that I am not going to have time to read the article at the moment, but will catch up on journals and things next week after a big work event is over.