See, I told you guys I'd be better about postings :]
Today was absolutely freakin awesome. I'd gladly put up with all the rainy days in Washington just to have a couple days like today a year. (Course, I don't mind the rain too much either!) Gorgeous sunny-sunshine... and W-A-R-M!! Like, 80. Perfect for me.
Got out of work early, and I have a 3-day weekend. We drove out on the Sound a bit, to a friend's cabin, and went trapsing through the woods. We hiked to a sand/gravel pit area, drank a few deuce-deuces and shot some targets (a hobby I totally love). We stayed out for hours in just t-shirts. Drove back home & made dinner with friends.
Now I'm curled up on the couch, it's hella late & I am hella tired, but I just started my first assignment of my Masters program (MBA)! This is a pretty big deal for me, I've been wanting to go back to school... well, since I graduated college the first time! I love school, and I don't care if I'm just a big dork, I could read& write& learn stuff all day. I feel... accomplished. It's a good feeling.
My husband's already in bed, so I think I'll snuggle up there. Hope all you lovelies enjoyed your day as well.
Today was absolutely freakin awesome. I'd gladly put up with all the rainy days in Washington just to have a couple days like today a year. (Course, I don't mind the rain too much either!) Gorgeous sunny-sunshine... and W-A-R-M!! Like, 80. Perfect for me.
Got out of work early, and I have a 3-day weekend. We drove out on the Sound a bit, to a friend's cabin, and went trapsing through the woods. We hiked to a sand/gravel pit area, drank a few deuce-deuces and shot some targets (a hobby I totally love). We stayed out for hours in just t-shirts. Drove back home & made dinner with friends.
Now I'm curled up on the couch, it's hella late & I am hella tired, but I just started my first assignment of my Masters program (MBA)! This is a pretty big deal for me, I've been wanting to go back to school... well, since I graduated college the first time! I love school, and I don't care if I'm just a big dork, I could read& write& learn stuff all day. I feel... accomplished. It's a good feeling.
My husband's already in bed, so I think I'll snuggle up there. Hope all you lovelies enjoyed your day as well.
School sounds awesome. I want to go back to school in fear I'll never really accomplish anything. It gives options, anyway.
Glad you're doing well, dear!