yup, I said I was gonna update this more often, and I so haven't. grr. I got lotsa updates to do, lotsa new tattoos, I'll throw some pictures up real quick! More to come fo' sho'.

So... I haven't been on here in months and months. I actually don't know if anyone reads this thing, but figured I'd give it a shot again! Lots of life changes have pushed me back into recognizing the importance of staying true to the things I love and enjoy... pretty gals with tattoos is definitely one of those things!

I'm lucky enough to have a...
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Sweetheart! It's been forever!

Love the new pictures. So many changes for everyone I guess. Amazing how a few months can do so much.

hello loves!

I have been super-duper busy recently with school stuff and with work. It's a good feeling though. I started my first course toward my Master's in Business Administration. Which is an awesome feeling! But, less time updating on here. Not that I update tons but, I get too distracted reading what everyone else says or seeing what I have in common with other...
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quick hello - party was fantastic but i'm sicker'n... i don't know what. i'm not even clever. blah!

Sicker than a sexually charged pedophile at a Chucky Cheese? Too sick?

Glad to hear the party went well. Hope you feel better soon. smile
So my first anniversary is on Friday the 13th (!!) so we are having a big party on the 14th. Cause we did the small court-room style wedding, we figure we can have the big party this year! My Mom is coming in tonight (hopefully... aparently it's all shitty weather in Maine, where we're from) to help me with decorations and all that fun stuff,...
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Thank you SO much for your suggestion. I've desperately wanted to do things like that since I first started working there, but I think I'm getting to that comfortable point where I might actually do it. All I need is a handkerchief to wipe my brow, and corn cob pipe to smoke to make that voice and the made up stories that much better. smile

And yeah, stick to driving by...totally not worth it. Unless you wanted to go up for free sometime which I can do. But don't EVER pay for it. EVER.

Glad to hear about your anniversary! Hope the party fucking kills. Good luck with the school work and sickness.
Today was my first day of classes! Yay!! I guess you have to be out of school for awhile to be this excited about going back. I'm super ready though... all motivated and everything :]

Thinking about a new tattoo design, I've been drawing lately and have come up with some that I like a lot. Gotta perfect em though.

Baked two loaves of bread...
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LOVE homemade bread. You are a genius.

And I totally dig the going back to school thing. I've wanted to do so for a while, but I have to wait for next fall when my residency goes through or I have to pay a ridiculous amount for tuition. Nothing fancy, I just want the basic degree for sound engineering. Getting my hands on music in some way would be nice, even if it ends up not being my own.

I'm totally excited for the supposedly beautiful summers of Seattle...in a way. I'm stuck working at the Space Needle, and the summers there are insane. I don't really want to deal with thousands of angry tourists a day, but it'll happen I guess. *sigh*

Glad you're doing well. smile
See, I told you guys I'd be better about postings :]

Today was absolutely freakin awesome. I'd gladly put up with all the rainy days in Washington just to have a couple days like today a year. (Course, I don't mind the rain too much either!) Gorgeous sunny-sunshine... and W-A-R-M!! Like, 80. Perfect for me.

Got out of work early, and I have a 3-day...
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Yesterday was very pretty. First time since I've moved up here that I could walk around in a t-shirt and jeans and feel comfortable. I just wish Seattle would pick one weather pattern and stick to it. One day of sunshine followed by rain is just mean.

School sounds awesome. I want to go back to school in fear I'll never really accomplish anything. It gives options, anyway.

Glad you're doing well, dear!
Thank you darling, you're cute aswell. <3 love
Okay so I'm an absolute lame-o and haven't posted in ages. Been hella busy, but I'll be better now I swear!!

I only have 155 days of work left, including weekends. Not that I'm counting. hehe.

I've got new pictures to put on here as well, which I will do soon :]

Hope all you cats and kittens are doin well!

It's been a while. I sincerely hope everything is going well for you. Really.
It's been quite awhile since I've made a post! I hope you lovelies are doing well. I am sick as hell. Work has been busy busy busy... I'm supposed to be in the field this whole week, but I had to come home today on account of bein sick, and having no heat. Yuck.

In other news, I got into the Masters Degree program I've...
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I'm sorry that you're sick frown This cold/flu is really making the rounds it seems, which is a major pain in the ass. Lots of rest when you can get it, lots of water and tea, and mucho vitamins...Ugh, I'm sounding like my mother >.<

Grats on getting into the Masters Degree program! Thats some exciting news! smile