this is old, but never stops being funny.
babies EVERYWHERE!!! uuphff.
babies EVERYWHERE!!! uuphff.
He did well, and we came home and crashed!!
Then off to my girls house for a party.
Hope to see you soon..
Then off to my girls house for a party.
Hope to see you soon..

hahahaha, that was awesome! I never saw that before.

Bush picks Roberts to be chief justice.
America is scaring me!
I wish Canada weren't so cold.
America is scaring me!
I wish Canada weren't so cold.
Uh... we had a little snafu/misunderstanding in deciding to go/co-ordinating. It was kind of retarded to end up driving two separate cars to Chapel Hill, and I couldn't raise her on the phone to find out where she was, and I didn't want to walk around Carrboro going "er, are you from SGNC? Are you? How about you?" So I stayed in D'ham.

You're telling me!
best sex toys in the WORLD.
i just got one in the mail. i'm not telling which.
the commercial you can watch by clicking on the tv icon is especially entertaining.
i just got one in the mail. i'm not telling which.
the commercial you can watch by clicking on the tv icon is especially entertaining.
i have a hard time keeping up with this journal, since i have another (online). and another (book).
i joined a gym recently, and i'm loving it. i've been taking the yoga classes, which have been both challenging and a lot of fun. i also used their sauna for the first time, and it made my skin feel very nice.
i'm taking a few days...
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i joined a gym recently, and i'm loving it. i've been taking the yoga classes, which have been both challenging and a lot of fun. i also used their sauna for the first time, and it made my skin feel very nice.
i'm taking a few days...
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well i had an awesome day. we made a site visit to a high school which brought back memories. i came back to the office to realize that a chunk of stuff is missing from the drawings that i'm working on, but calmed down when i realized it's totally do-able by deadline. we then made our way the the opening of our former coworker's new...
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Thankyou for the comment.
I hate losing things to the point where I obsessively check my bag.

I hate losing things to the point where I obsessively check my bag.
wow, erzsebet's set today is good.
You should tell us why!
becuase she's a hot lady.
it wasn't artistically superior or anything, i just think she has nice boobies
it wasn't artistically superior or anything, i just think she has nice boobies

hi suicidegirls people, i thought i would update for a change.
last weekend i went to a wedding at emerald isle. it was really beautiful, and kind of quirky. both bride and groom are architects, and they had a funky cake and some delicious food (vegetarian friendly
the next day matt and i went kayaking for the afternoon in the bogue sound. it was...
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last weekend i went to a wedding at emerald isle. it was really beautiful, and kind of quirky. both bride and groom are architects, and they had a funky cake and some delicious food (vegetarian friendly

the next day matt and i went kayaking for the afternoon in the bogue sound. it was...
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ooooh...architect...I know one...
I'd say he was being an asssssssssssssss, but you know, guys are like that.
I'm pretty happy with the way those turned out, if I do say so myself. I didn't think I quite had it in me.
P.S. Architects are artists.
I'm pretty happy with the way those turned out, if I do say so myself. I didn't think I quite had it in me.
P.S. Architects are artists.
okay, okay. i feel the need to further justify my drunken critique.
some models are subtle, some are raunchy. some sets seems to be about fetish, others about t&a. a corset set delves into the realm of fetishism and bondage, which is about restraint and the mystique, whereas perhaps a set about a hotel encounter (you know what i mean), seems like it would just...
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some models are subtle, some are raunchy. some sets seems to be about fetish, others about t&a. a corset set delves into the realm of fetishism and bondage, which is about restraint and the mystique, whereas perhaps a set about a hotel encounter (you know what i mean), seems like it would just...
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happy birthday.
happy birthday 

an earnest critique-
al's set today was good, but i think she made a mistake by taking the corset off. it broke the illusion.
al's set today was good, but i think she made a mistake by taking the corset off. it broke the illusion.
I obliquely stumbled on your comment and wanted to chime in with an agreement. The illusion was that she was actually in latex?
I generally think that in SG sets there is too much hurry to get outfits off and get naked, when really it is how fascinating women are clothed and what is not revealed that is as arousing as or more arousing than what is revealed. There is often too much strip and not enough tease. I want more tease.
I generally think that in SG sets there is too much hurry to get outfits off and get naked, when really it is how fascinating women are clothed and what is not revealed that is as arousing as or more arousing than what is revealed. There is often too much strip and not enough tease. I want more tease.
I wish I had time for yoga. Yoga always takes me an hour or so each time for it to be really effective. I will breathe, though.
Thought you might enjoy this article on treehouse design.
I absolutely loved that set. Her new look is (I think) her best so far. There were some really stunning shots in there, though I agree that the earlier ones in the sequence were the best. It kinda makes me laugh-- so many people complain that there isn't enough nudity on SG-- that it should be less cute and more hardcore-- and then there are a number of people who think it should be about seduction/ teasing or cuteness (depending on the SG and set theme) and less about the nudity. I tend to be more on your side of the fence with the issue, but that doesn't especially show in my set. Oh, well.

Thought you might enjoy this article on treehouse design.
I absolutely loved that set. Her new look is (I think) her best so far. There were some really stunning shots in there, though I agree that the earlier ones in the sequence were the best. It kinda makes me laugh-- so many people complain that there isn't enough nudity on SG-- that it should be less cute and more hardcore-- and then there are a number of people who think it should be about seduction/ teasing or cuteness (depending on the SG and set theme) and less about the nudity. I tend to be more on your side of the fence with the issue, but that doesn't especially show in my set. Oh, well.
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Boss was out of town and it was a super relaxing week at work. It's not easy working directly under the oldest most experienced person in the office.
"See I imagine you're a democrat, but I'm a republican. The difference is you work for me."
That's a direct quote.
I spent the week drawing sections and...
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Boss was out of town and it was a super relaxing week at work. It's not easy working directly under the oldest most experienced person in the office.
"See I imagine you're a democrat, but I'm a republican. The difference is you work for me."
That's a direct quote.
I spent the week drawing sections and...
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miss you girl!