I had a food allergy last night. It sucked, I missed out on a great show.
wow. sorry. I hope you feel better soon. wink
Today I'm expecting a "Hiya sorry I was such a crap parent" packet from my mum. She's really stellar when she wants to be, she's sent me a black velvety.gothy/lacy/movie startlet headscarfy to wear wrapped about my, yeah you guessed it, my heed and neck with dark glasses to give off a "I'm a glammy Arab's wife who goes on shopping sprees in Dubai Fuck...
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nice to see you back here smile
Thanks! It's nice to see you too!
Yep.. It is indeed a DingBat's perogative to change her mind... (I change my mind about Ned's Atomic Dustbin all the time for instance) The thing is I like journaling, and there are some things I like to drop here that I'd rather keep off my live journal and vice-versa, so I'm keeping the account for that purpose. But if I knew ya from before...
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soon (like March) this account will die a natural death. To be honest I just don't have time for it, and that's all the news that's fit to print, aside from Sisters of Mercy are coming to Seattle too. Now we just need to watch out for new NIN tour dates...
The End.
I can be contacted via email. Also got to see a wonderful...
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NIN new date, 1.iv.06 Las Vegas, it's becoming like a betting site for me... Come on Seattle! Oh and I have to ditch the poang chair and replace it with one of these in black because well, I'm worth it... I've now been convinced that I need the matching ottmon as well.. it takes care of legs and feet, and they have a handy payment...
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hello person. hows it going? and how would a massage chair bore someone... hell its a massage chair.....:drifts off to a daydream involving a massage chair and tea:
hey you!..yer secretly back on this site i see..i'm sorry i didn't email ya but i have been working day and night to fund my madness..anyways , glad to see ya back ..be my friend again..ciao'
I believe is was Debbie Harry of Blondie who said "Dreaming is free" on the album Parallel Lines in 1978... Perhaps it was Eat to the Beat in 1979, (I always liked that one better, even though um...*looks both ways surrepticiously and whispers* I'm not much of a Blondie fan, I always liked Siouxsie far better) I think tonight I'll dream that I didn't just...
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One of my favourite quotes:

"Um......... No." Andy Warhol, 1965

I appreciate it for its minimalism.
How are you hun?
When did you come back?
hi erm did you used to be sister vanian?
I keep thinking about this book I used to have that had different epitaphs in it that were discovered around the turn of the century, alongside pioneer trails. My favourite grave marker inscription in the book:
"I Told You I Was Sick!" 1847