I made the mistake of watching "Silence of the Lambs" tonight. Damn, I'm going to have nightmares--I know it. I just cannot imagine the depraved imagery that is playing through someone's head when they resort to such drastic means of self-gratification. The worst part of that movie is that it rings more than true considering the character of Hannibal Lecter is based loosely on Albert Fish, a true serial killer. It's a sad world we live in. The history of serial killers is unfortunately all too illustrious considering the number that have sprouted from this land we all call Home. Fame has brought many of these people to the front of the human psyche and one, Issei Sagawa, even has made a career (and a highly profitable one at that) out of exploiting his perverted desires and impulses that he acted upon. He is an author now and a respected member of Japanese society. It makes one wonder if there any other people that sit on the Ivory Pedestals of society that have indulged in the wickedness of their desires. How many people walk in our midst that are waiting to act out their fantasies. We all fantasize to a certain degree. From the lovely woman we admire to the dream of hitting the winning shot at the buzzer, we all immerse ourselves in fiction from time-to-time. I just pity those who are not satisfied by the "normal" visions most of us have. This is the one time I have looked upon the phrase "To each his own." with disgust. I guess next time I watch this movie I should watch it when I am less apt to ruminate about the potential disasters out there wait for us. Well, I guess it's time to enter my realm of fiction and await my Nightmare Express.
i totally agree, it is a sad time in the world.