Dear Sen. Kyl,
I am deeply ashamed to say that I voted for you after seeing that you have voted yay on the subject of the 49-51 striking of 201(a)(4) relative to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
The refuge is one of the most beautiful places on Earth. I would have loved to have kept it safe so that my children would be able to enjoy it. There are not many places on Earth where the sky is a striking blue anymore and the air is brisk without having the stench of diesel engines and strip malls--the refuge is one of them. We have managed to spoil, destroy, and pollute a great part of our landscape and this is not going to be an exception.
I am a native Arizonan and have watched the city grow to wondrous proportions over the past 26 years. I love my state and am proud to say that I am Arizonan and Phoenician. I am registered as an Independent but I voted Republican in 2000 and in this past election as far as the Senate is concerned (the presidential election is an entirely different story.) I believe the Republicans have more experience and would do better for our great state then the Democrats would have. I was only half right.
John McCain did not vote in the interests of consumerism or industry. John McCain voted to keep a beautiful piece of land as such. You on the other hand, voted to mar the face of that pristine environment. I would like to know why.
One would think that a person who helped establish the Ecological Restoration Institute would easily see the folly of voting to drill in the refuge. I guess that is a wrong assumption.
I can honestly say that I voted incorrectly in 2000 and I am not likely to make the same mistake in 2006.
Thank You,
Michael Salazar
I hope I get a response to this. What a fucking prick. Wanna see who else voted? Go here.
I am deeply ashamed to say that I voted for you after seeing that you have voted yay on the subject of the 49-51 striking of 201(a)(4) relative to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
The refuge is one of the most beautiful places on Earth. I would have loved to have kept it safe so that my children would be able to enjoy it. There are not many places on Earth where the sky is a striking blue anymore and the air is brisk without having the stench of diesel engines and strip malls--the refuge is one of them. We have managed to spoil, destroy, and pollute a great part of our landscape and this is not going to be an exception.
I am a native Arizonan and have watched the city grow to wondrous proportions over the past 26 years. I love my state and am proud to say that I am Arizonan and Phoenician. I am registered as an Independent but I voted Republican in 2000 and in this past election as far as the Senate is concerned (the presidential election is an entirely different story.) I believe the Republicans have more experience and would do better for our great state then the Democrats would have. I was only half right.
John McCain did not vote in the interests of consumerism or industry. John McCain voted to keep a beautiful piece of land as such. You on the other hand, voted to mar the face of that pristine environment. I would like to know why.
One would think that a person who helped establish the Ecological Restoration Institute would easily see the folly of voting to drill in the refuge. I guess that is a wrong assumption.
I can honestly say that I voted incorrectly in 2000 and I am not likely to make the same mistake in 2006.
Thank You,
Michael Salazar
I hope I get a response to this. What a fucking prick. Wanna see who else voted? Go here.

Yay for being politically active!! I heard a bit on NPR about this thing last week. It was sad. Experts said that the probable amount of oil they may find there will not be enough to salvage the consumption demand levels. They were saying that they need to focus on alternative fuel options & let this whole thing go. But we all know that won't happen!!