I may not always love you
But long as there are stars above you
You never need to doubt it
I'll make you so sure about it
God only knows what I'd be without you
If you should ever leave me
Though life would still go on believe me
The world could show nothing to me
So what good would living do me
God only knows what I'd be without you
Hot Pink tonight.
Moving really sucks. I'm moving again in ten days. Just to a different apartment in the same complex. Still a move though.
Is it just me, or do people who talk like voguish twits sound like assuming, pretentious, pompous rags? I know that it is fine for everybody to carve their niche in the social strata. People want to be inimitable and possess unique qualities that other people find intriguing and magnetic. I'm fine with that. But when said people speak like a lounge lizard or fop and they possess the grammar of a mental defective, it makes them sound--well--mentally defective.
Please save us the time of your long-winded recitations (such as I'm doing here) and say what needs to be said in as short an amount of space as possible.
This is not directed at anybody in particular. I've just notice that people speak like fucking idiots sometimes when making an effort to sound articulate or artsy or world-wise.
Thank You.
But long as there are stars above you
You never need to doubt it
I'll make you so sure about it
God only knows what I'd be without you
If you should ever leave me
Though life would still go on believe me
The world could show nothing to me
So what good would living do me
God only knows what I'd be without you
Hot Pink tonight.
Moving really sucks. I'm moving again in ten days. Just to a different apartment in the same complex. Still a move though.
Is it just me, or do people who talk like voguish twits sound like assuming, pretentious, pompous rags? I know that it is fine for everybody to carve their niche in the social strata. People want to be inimitable and possess unique qualities that other people find intriguing and magnetic. I'm fine with that. But when said people speak like a lounge lizard or fop and they possess the grammar of a mental defective, it makes them sound--well--mentally defective.
Please save us the time of your long-winded recitations (such as I'm doing here) and say what needs to be said in as short an amount of space as possible.
This is not directed at anybody in particular. I've just notice that people speak like fucking idiots sometimes when making an effort to sound articulate or artsy or world-wise.
Thank You.

well that makes a little more sense, i would probably move into a bigger place for a friend but god damn moving really sucks! hope you get settled in soon 

why the name change?