Ugh. I almost got into a fight last night with four kids at the movie theatre. Yah yah, laugh it up. I generally do not like to be around a bunch of teenaged kids because I know how teenaged kids are. They are assholes. But I made plans to see The Grudge with some friends so we go to theatres near my house. The theatre is in a big assed strip-mall type area. Of course there are a bunch of fucking kids there as well. Kids with big mouths. Kids with big mouths who have more testosterone than their body can handle. Kids with big mouths who have more testosterone than their body can handle who almost got severly beat because they want to impress some girls.
I fucking hate kids. When I was a teenager, sure I was a little bit of an asshole, but not to people I didn't know. i didn't go around trying to stare people down. I didn't act like an idiot in the movie theatre when people are trying watch a movie. I definitely did not try talking shit to people because Iwas with three other guys and I thought we might be able to scare people into walking the other way.
My friend Joe tried to reason that kids have it harder these days. I have to say bullshit. We had all the same pressures that kids have now. The only difference is that everybody has a cell phone now. Back when I was sixteen we all had pagers. Why are there so many punk fucking kids out there. Even when I visit my sister at ASU and we go out there is nothing but a bunch of fucking kids trying to be hardasses because they have a goatee and some hair on their chest.
Ugh. I think I'm just mad because I didn't get to severly fuck these kids up and them claim it as self-defense because there are four of them and one of me.
I fucking hate kids. When I was a teenager, sure I was a little bit of an asshole, but not to people I didn't know. i didn't go around trying to stare people down. I didn't act like an idiot in the movie theatre when people are trying watch a movie. I definitely did not try talking shit to people because Iwas with three other guys and I thought we might be able to scare people into walking the other way.
My friend Joe tried to reason that kids have it harder these days. I have to say bullshit. We had all the same pressures that kids have now. The only difference is that everybody has a cell phone now. Back when I was sixteen we all had pagers. Why are there so many punk fucking kids out there. Even when I visit my sister at ASU and we go out there is nothing but a bunch of fucking kids trying to be hardasses because they have a goatee and some hair on their chest.
Ugh. I think I'm just mad because I didn't get to severly fuck these kids up and them claim it as self-defense because there are four of them and one of me.

And I also, hate teenagers. I was horrid when I was that age, no doubt, but that doesn't endear them me to them any more than it shouild which is not at all.