Stupid question: Does anybody here like drownings?
Well, neither do I. Yet for some reason we had three on Father's Day--in an hour-and-a-half. Now, I was expecting some retarded shit to happen on Father's Day. Anytime a large group of family members gets together in one area heart attacks happen. Assaults and overdoses are common also but heart attacks fly around like no other. But three fucking drownings--in an hour-and-a-half? Fucking stupid.
It's strange how many people still don't have fences around their pools. It's just fucking insane. Don't have kids? I don't care. Put a fence around around that murky-ass puddle of water. Kids like to hop fences and go swimming when people aren't home. Then they drown. It happens and we're only going to have more because more kids move here every year. It's supposed to 110 degrees today. That means that more people are going to be swimming which only means that we are going to have more drownings.
The type of drowning depends on the time of day and week. During the week it's the 5-13 year-old "Afterschool" drowner. The kind that's not supposed to be swimming while their parents are away but decides that they are grown-up enough to do it anyways. Guess what could prevent most of these. A big-ass fence with a lock. A simple solution yet one that is overlooked quite often. During the weekend it's the "Family Picnic" drowner. Normally younger child who gets overlooked by all of the relatives getting sloshed around the pool. These are normally left in the care of the 13 year-old older sister or brother who is too busy hitting on/being hit on by the horny 3rd cousin first-removed on their mother's side. These are a fucking blast. Twenty people on fucking cell phones calling to tell us a kid is drowning yet nobody has bothered to jump in and pull them out. At night on the weekends it's the "Sloshed and Swimming" drowner. Normally 16 or older and definitely too drunk to try to brush their teeth, let alone, try to pull laps in the pool. These are the ones that quite often do not make it because everybody around them is also severely fucked and they are left to fend for themselves while the rest of the party does kegstands.
I know that not all drownings can be prevented but for the most part a great majority of them can. So please, watch the little fuckers around water, don't drink and swim, and put a fence around the fucking pool.
***just got home from work 0700 on 062206***
I'm not a religious person whatsoever. People who work where I do are, for the most part, believers in a higher power or entity. Well, it's times like this morning that life would be slightly easier if I did have that entity to fall back on for comfort.
The kid is five years old. He suffers from chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction. His intestines can't properly move food around his digestive system. At around 0600 his parents call us to say he's not breathing, his pulse is non-existent, he feels cold, and his G-tube was pulled out (a G-tube is a tube inserted into the stomach to provide nutrition while he sleeps.) His parents know CPR so they start it. The whole time we're waiting to get on scene we can hear the mom in the back praying. Fucking heartbreaking. We get there and the kid is a code (no pulse, breathing, etc.) The ambulance takes off for Del Webb Hospital and they have about 10 minutes before they get there. Halfway there the medic of the engine who ran on him asks to have a chaplain meet the family at the hospital.
I'll never find out how the kid fared. I almost don't want to know. If you're religious or into prayer keep this kid in your thoughts. He needs all the help he can get.
I'm glad I have the night off. I fucking need it.
*** just woke up 0730 on 062306 ***
I'm a douche. To everybody I called out to go hang yesterday and everybody I sent messages to asking them to roll: I'm sorry. I fell asleep last night at around 645pm and just woke up a few ago. I had trouble sleeping yesterday but that's no excuse! I wanted to see Metalhead.
Well, neither do I. Yet for some reason we had three on Father's Day--in an hour-and-a-half. Now, I was expecting some retarded shit to happen on Father's Day. Anytime a large group of family members gets together in one area heart attacks happen. Assaults and overdoses are common also but heart attacks fly around like no other. But three fucking drownings--in an hour-and-a-half? Fucking stupid.
It's strange how many people still don't have fences around their pools. It's just fucking insane. Don't have kids? I don't care. Put a fence around around that murky-ass puddle of water. Kids like to hop fences and go swimming when people aren't home. Then they drown. It happens and we're only going to have more because more kids move here every year. It's supposed to 110 degrees today. That means that more people are going to be swimming which only means that we are going to have more drownings.
The type of drowning depends on the time of day and week. During the week it's the 5-13 year-old "Afterschool" drowner. The kind that's not supposed to be swimming while their parents are away but decides that they are grown-up enough to do it anyways. Guess what could prevent most of these. A big-ass fence with a lock. A simple solution yet one that is overlooked quite often. During the weekend it's the "Family Picnic" drowner. Normally younger child who gets overlooked by all of the relatives getting sloshed around the pool. These are normally left in the care of the 13 year-old older sister or brother who is too busy hitting on/being hit on by the horny 3rd cousin first-removed on their mother's side. These are a fucking blast. Twenty people on fucking cell phones calling to tell us a kid is drowning yet nobody has bothered to jump in and pull them out. At night on the weekends it's the "Sloshed and Swimming" drowner. Normally 16 or older and definitely too drunk to try to brush their teeth, let alone, try to pull laps in the pool. These are the ones that quite often do not make it because everybody around them is also severely fucked and they are left to fend for themselves while the rest of the party does kegstands.
I know that not all drownings can be prevented but for the most part a great majority of them can. So please, watch the little fuckers around water, don't drink and swim, and put a fence around the fucking pool.
***just got home from work 0700 on 062206***
I'm not a religious person whatsoever. People who work where I do are, for the most part, believers in a higher power or entity. Well, it's times like this morning that life would be slightly easier if I did have that entity to fall back on for comfort.
The kid is five years old. He suffers from chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction. His intestines can't properly move food around his digestive system. At around 0600 his parents call us to say he's not breathing, his pulse is non-existent, he feels cold, and his G-tube was pulled out (a G-tube is a tube inserted into the stomach to provide nutrition while he sleeps.) His parents know CPR so they start it. The whole time we're waiting to get on scene we can hear the mom in the back praying. Fucking heartbreaking. We get there and the kid is a code (no pulse, breathing, etc.) The ambulance takes off for Del Webb Hospital and they have about 10 minutes before they get there. Halfway there the medic of the engine who ran on him asks to have a chaplain meet the family at the hospital.
I'll never find out how the kid fared. I almost don't want to know. If you're religious or into prayer keep this kid in your thoughts. He needs all the help he can get.
I'm glad I have the night off. I fucking need it.
*** just woke up 0730 on 062306 ***
I'm a douche. To everybody I called out to go hang yesterday and everybody I sent messages to asking them to roll: I'm sorry. I fell asleep last night at around 645pm and just woke up a few ago. I had trouble sleeping yesterday but that's no excuse! I wanted to see Metalhead.

hey dude! i don't think i have been on here since before you commented in my journal....where the hell did we have pizza? sheesh it must have been a long time, eh? what have you been up to? i'm still hanging out with the big tall dude...madly in love....and will marry some day! catch me up on your life!

My sister just had a baby...she is not hot anymore.