Whoa. Big Changes.

I've moved to seattle, graduated college, have a job as a full time Mac system engineer, and I get paid for it.

I need to find something else to do.

Brain is stuck in a vaccuum, given up on AIM. Little if any social circle left in PA, trying to find things to do, but having little if any luck.

The old man drinks his booze and smokes his cigar, lamenting on the days never lived and the fantasies never fulfilled. A life of should haves, could...
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Out of work, two friends dead, life plans up in the air.

I want something simple for once.
So... Fuck.

New Orleans, i drink to thee.

I found out a friend of mine may be transferring to Bucknell from Tulane (since it got closed for the rest of the semester). She wanted to go to Bucknell, but got a scholarship to Tulane. BU is apparently respecting tuition / scholarships for schools in the flood zone, so she might be able to come here,...
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For fucks sake.. that was a disturbing episode of CSI. Based on a true story. Guy hits someone with his car and then leaves the car in his garage, with the body, for two days as he bleeds to death. It actually happened, i believe it was a homeless man who was killed, and he was screaming the garage for two days before he was...
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WTF i missed that and that is really fucked up
reporting live from ireland. Great country, wish my brain would let me enjoy it.

Here are some photos.

My Review of Revenge of the Sith, By Mr. Zarquon, Age 22

Well, I'll start with the good points:
Jar-Jar Doesn't Talk. At All. Ever.

Yoda does some cool fighting.

ObiWan is good, great acting from McGregor. Good dry humor, living up to Sir Alec Guinness's character.

Some of the fight scenes are cool. Grievious is neat, if he didn't look like a cg character,...
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Today, I found Freedom.

You know, that supposedly elusive, social construct of ideals that cannot truly be fought for, but is often treated as if an almost sentient, yet weak, entity which needs to be protected.

Well folks, I found the American personification of freedom.


Needs quicktime 6 or higher, and use firefox if you have issues (http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/)

ARRRR, Pass it on me matey's. ARRR!!!
So i had my last undergraduate college class ever.

I don't know what to do with myself.
THX 1138

God damn fucking amazing.

Thats all.

[Edited on Mar 16, 2005 10:22PM]