Miss JackKnife
You're Jackie. I'm sad.
The reappearance of snake skin god was startling. And surprise is the snake skin god's nature.
Playboy isn't the magazine snuggled under the happy feet in my father's sock draw. Playboy isn't the magazine stacked in my brothers foot locker. The world has changed with the time. Playboy has changed with the time. Sophisticated titillation in an innocent age. Advice in a sexual revolution. Power house brand in an age of the target demographic and the corporation. Playboy has changed the world.
You're Jackie. I'm sad.
The reappearance of snake skin god was startling. And surprise is the snake skin god's nature.
Playboy isn't the magazine snuggled under the happy feet in my father's sock draw. Playboy isn't the magazine stacked in my brothers foot locker. The world has changed with the time. Playboy has changed with the time. Sophisticated titillation in an innocent age. Advice in a sexual revolution. Power house brand in an age of the target demographic and the corporation. Playboy has changed the world.
hope so.
you, me, and hef should go out for chcicken wings sometime.