the gumbys present: 'The Architect sketch' from 'monty python's flying circus' [1970] Apr 18, 2015 4 Facebook Tweet Email mrwaverly: And still funny. Apr 18, 2015 1
destruction of the zygon ship by the fourth doctor, from 'terror of the zygons' [1975] Apr 18, 2015 2 Facebook Tweet Email
the third doctor shoots an ogron mercenary in 'day of the daleks' [1972] Apr 18, 2015 1 Facebook Tweet Email
a toy ghoul that lives with my weeping angels. he's actually quite disturbing. Apr 18, 2015 3 Facebook Tweet Email
my weeping angel figures. left to purposely gather dust, like Marcel duchamp's 'great glass'. Apr 18, 2015 1 Facebook Tweet Email kaicito: That's nothing, I let my whole apartment purposely gather dust ;-) Apr 18, 2015 2 mrwaverly: Ha ha ha! A man after my own heart! When the dust forms boulders that obscure the TV, or are big enough to cause injury, then, and only then, do I get the vacuum cleaner out (it's over there, somewhere, under all that dust...)👹👍 Apr 18, 2015
what fun to be woken at 3a.m. by this noisy bastard. i don't think. Apr 18, 2015 3 Facebook Tweet Email mrwaverly: This was in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, U.K. Apr 18, 2015 1
super wrong. good fun though, I'll bet. and i'd do this sort of shit. no, really. Apr 18, 2015 3 Facebook Tweet Email kaicito: I love pranks like this...too bad one is never around to witness the reactions... Apr 18, 2015 2
delicious. but tragically, empty😈 Apr 15, 2015 2 Facebook Tweet Email mrwaverly: It's really good shit. I could drink it 'till it came out of my ears. Apr 15, 2015