But I swallow so thats a good thing!

I will try and be better. Or you could just get Facebook....

So I already typed this all out... and than I hit a damn button and POOF! LOL meh
I had a whole story about the picture I am about to post... in the end it was funny, and what I am wearing was NOT the wedding dress I was expecting!
That came today!!!!

So lots of family drama. Like LOTS! Is ok tho. I mean it hasnt changed my opinion of ANYONE or ANYTHING and I love my future husband more than EVER!
But seriously, I went thru hell yesterday. Next time it will not go the same way. I am more prepared now and ready to take a stand. Sucks because I dont exactly want to come into my new family with THIS over me, but Mr. Strykers sister has my back... and that woman is one tough cookie. The entire family (men and women) will stand behind her and yell "yeah! What SHE said" when she is in a fight! LMAO! She just got married to a fantastic man as well!!
Speaking of her I am TRYING my hardest to plan a trip out to Phoenix to see her. I am staying with her too! Yes my sweet Frankus I WILL be seeing ya soon!
What else what else? OH the name change! haha Me and Mr. Stryker thought it was funny! I love the man, and consider him my husband already so why not!!?!
I really have never felt so secure in a relationship before! I CAN plan a wedding and he WANTS to talk about it. I CAN get all girly about my wedding dress and he just beams! I can also be sick as shit and have PMS to boot and be grumpy pants America and he loves me ANYWAY! There is no secrets and no games. There is no wondering and waiting. Everyday I hear him say I love you with all the passion of a poet that comes from deep deep inside. It is pure and wonderful.
And matches how I feel. Every moment, every breath, every heart beat He has, I have, WE have matches.
I never wanted to get married before. Honestly from deep inside it wasnt important to me. And now? Now I cant imagine doing anything else with my life besides becoming his wife!
OK so thats about enough of that sappy talk no? LOL not used to that from me huh? Ya I know unless there is a foot crisis.
Does it help that its infected again? That I am on antibiotics and if they dont help I am going back on a PICC line?
WOW ass shots, new names, new pictures, and wedding/love talk!
But dont worry.. I am still me. I am still struggling with foot issues. DOnt worry, the haters of the world can latch on to THAT and run with it.
I got something for EVERYONE!
I promise, I will try harder!!!! I have my reasons and trust me, I miss ya soooo much!
EDIT: Just thought I would update. My foot IS infected and TOMORROW I am starting the ball rolling. No worries. The infection has not spread up my leg so no worries about me loosing my damn foot. At most a few days in the hospital and a PICC line again!
If I dont worry, YOU should not worry!
I took in the latest comment from "hubby" four comments above mine. What a wonderful thing the two of you have going. Thank you for sharing it with me. I'm a little choked up as I type this. Your love for each other is a very recognizable thing for me. I've known it and I also know that the feeling will never leave me. Keep enjoying each other. Life has given you both a rare gift, but I'm sure you know that already.