So I love this name. I kinda wish it was my REAL name! 
LOTS of changes happening. As you can see.. no more Hopeful tag. LOL its liberating in a way.. kinda of sad in another. Regardless.. I feel wonderful about the decision. I think I still have to wait the 3 months before I can take down the last set. Enjoy it while you can.
I am currently waiting for some pics taken last week. SHOULD be some good ones!
I am no longer holding on to negative feelings. I am EMBRACING them before I let them go. I am going to feel everything...nurture it..and than set it free. If anyone has hurt me.. or knows someone that has, feel free to pass on that info. Hate takes way too much energy. I love me...and I want to love me even more. Fuck, its MY life and so it IS all about me. And I dont have any more room for hate. SO please take it elsewhere.
*deep breath*
That felt good!
SO I am making plans to go to Chicago and see that friend of mine Toni. She has some photographer friends and I am gonna get some work done while I am there. Parties and fun WILL ensue.
I am looking forward to seeing some of my friends that are out that way. VERY excited for this.
I am also making plans to see a friend from England. little_em is hopefully coming out. She will be in LA.. and I am looking at seeing Mrs_Misha too!! Maybe get some work done??

Tomorrow I am going to be looking at the one bedroom apartments here. I really am in love with this complex. I will also take pictures for you all. I wish I had a better camera... but the one I have will have to do.
TOMORROW I am going to the doctor to find out how my skin graft went. It hurts and the break hurts a lot because he couldnt put me in anything that supports me enough. I miss the boot. After that I am going to the mall to get some make up. Sephora here i come! THEN its off to Target. How sad am I? I am looking forward to the MALL and TARGET!? bahahaha nice
Go wish Pagz a happy birthday. He is an amazing person and deserves such happiness!!!
People keep telling me that I remind them of her:

Erin Esurance.
wtf? I find it humorous. I have heard this like 3 times in less than a month! haha I guess it could be worse.
I cut my hair. I went back to the Bettty Page bangs is all. I am sure there are pics in my attachments of what it looked like last year. I am also going to dye it this weekend. I finally decided what color I am going to do.
seeing as how this is pretty much my haircut as well.. I am gonna do this:

so like I said, change change change.
I leave you with 2 videos...and than I MUST sit here with Bugles on my fingers like a small child.
ok so please dont read anything into this or my blog. Just because I am posting this doesnt mean that it has anything to do with my recent split. MAYBE its about something else. MAYBE everything is fine. MAYBE its just a song running thru my mind because I listen to the Beatles non stop!
This one as well I cant get out of my head. I truly am embracing this change. If the people in my life are on board for the change than fanFUCKINGtastic. if not.. oh well. I will be happy regardless!
I am not completely there.. but I am looking forward to playing this and looking back at these past few months of pain and heartache with a smile, that I overcame obstacles so great that I didnt think I would survive.
ok Epic blog done. Those Bugles have my name written all over them!
Stay tuned for the story of my name. I just might actually tell ya WHY I chose it. If you are a Katherine Kerr fan.. than Gyllien should sound familiar.
and maybe some NEW naked pics! *crosses fingers*
PS no I did NOT sleep with the guy that shot my last set, Evan. Just fyi for the nosy nellys that cant get gossip straight.
le sigh

LOTS of changes happening. As you can see.. no more Hopeful tag. LOL its liberating in a way.. kinda of sad in another. Regardless.. I feel wonderful about the decision. I think I still have to wait the 3 months before I can take down the last set. Enjoy it while you can.
I am currently waiting for some pics taken last week. SHOULD be some good ones!

I am no longer holding on to negative feelings. I am EMBRACING them before I let them go. I am going to feel everything...nurture it..and than set it free. If anyone has hurt me.. or knows someone that has, feel free to pass on that info. Hate takes way too much energy. I love me...and I want to love me even more. Fuck, its MY life and so it IS all about me. And I dont have any more room for hate. SO please take it elsewhere.

*deep breath*
That felt good!
SO I am making plans to go to Chicago and see that friend of mine Toni. She has some photographer friends and I am gonna get some work done while I am there. Parties and fun WILL ensue.

I am also making plans to see a friend from England. little_em is hopefully coming out. She will be in LA.. and I am looking at seeing Mrs_Misha too!! Maybe get some work done??

Tomorrow I am going to be looking at the one bedroom apartments here. I really am in love with this complex. I will also take pictures for you all. I wish I had a better camera... but the one I have will have to do.

TOMORROW I am going to the doctor to find out how my skin graft went. It hurts and the break hurts a lot because he couldnt put me in anything that supports me enough. I miss the boot. After that I am going to the mall to get some make up. Sephora here i come! THEN its off to Target. How sad am I? I am looking forward to the MALL and TARGET!? bahahaha nice
Go wish Pagz a happy birthday. He is an amazing person and deserves such happiness!!!
People keep telling me that I remind them of her:

Erin Esurance.
wtf? I find it humorous. I have heard this like 3 times in less than a month! haha I guess it could be worse.
I cut my hair. I went back to the Bettty Page bangs is all. I am sure there are pics in my attachments of what it looked like last year. I am also going to dye it this weekend. I finally decided what color I am going to do.
seeing as how this is pretty much my haircut as well.. I am gonna do this:

so like I said, change change change.
I leave you with 2 videos...and than I MUST sit here with Bugles on my fingers like a small child.
ok so please dont read anything into this or my blog. Just because I am posting this doesnt mean that it has anything to do with my recent split. MAYBE its about something else. MAYBE everything is fine. MAYBE its just a song running thru my mind because I listen to the Beatles non stop!
This one as well I cant get out of my head. I truly am embracing this change. If the people in my life are on board for the change than fanFUCKINGtastic. if not.. oh well. I will be happy regardless!

I am not completely there.. but I am looking forward to playing this and looking back at these past few months of pain and heartache with a smile, that I overcame obstacles so great that I didnt think I would survive.

ok Epic blog done. Those Bugles have my name written all over them!

Stay tuned for the story of my name. I just might actually tell ya WHY I chose it. If you are a Katherine Kerr fan.. than Gyllien should sound familiar.
and maybe some NEW naked pics! *crosses fingers*
PS no I did NOT sleep with the guy that shot my last set, Evan. Just fyi for the nosy nellys that cant get gossip straight.
le sigh
