Go back to read that other blog. It will explain where I have been and what I have been doing.
I just got this PM from a new friend. A friend that I can see is going to be around for awhile. She is a very nice and insightful woman and I am so glad she found me. We all need at least ONE person in our lives that can say these things to us, and make most of the pain go away. I have a few.. and I am more blessed than most.
"People don't understand us they never will, were sick and were too caught up in life and feelings because we cherish everything"
I am NOT self centered in a bad way and I am NOT drama filled. I actually FEEL everything. Yes I am going to get hurt this way, but I am sorry, I would rather get hurt so badly that it feels like my chest is being ripped out, than to never have those feelings at all. I loved. I had a great love. And I am happy for that.
I dont need to work on letting things go.. I need to work on accepting them.
So fyi I DO cherish everything. When I love I love with my whole being and when I do something or say something I do it or say it with everything I am. That may make me intense but ya know what? I dont care. I love me..and if you dont...ok.
Thank you hunny for that. That really DID completely change my outlook on EVERYTHING!

You really ARE a 2 of Hearts hun!
I wasnt going to address this, but I kinda feel like I should. I revoked my hopeful status. Yours truly is no longer a hopeful I am not saying I will not post nudes, and I am not saying I will not model. Just not for SG. I love this site, but its not what it once was. Now its a popularity contest and to be quite frank, I am way too old to be putting up with that crap. SG has been a big part of my life and has allowed me to be who I am.. but I no longer wish to be a suicide girl. No worries, you will still see me naked I am sure!
This decision did not come lightly. It was not made overnight. I thought long and hard for MONTHS about it and finally realized that I really needed to do this.
so look out world, its a new Fishii... maybe even a new name!? hmmmm *poders*
I just got this PM from a new friend. A friend that I can see is going to be around for awhile. She is a very nice and insightful woman and I am so glad she found me. We all need at least ONE person in our lives that can say these things to us, and make most of the pain go away. I have a few.. and I am more blessed than most.
"People don't understand us they never will, were sick and were too caught up in life and feelings because we cherish everything"
I am NOT self centered in a bad way and I am NOT drama filled. I actually FEEL everything. Yes I am going to get hurt this way, but I am sorry, I would rather get hurt so badly that it feels like my chest is being ripped out, than to never have those feelings at all. I loved. I had a great love. And I am happy for that.
I dont need to work on letting things go.. I need to work on accepting them.
So fyi I DO cherish everything. When I love I love with my whole being and when I do something or say something I do it or say it with everything I am. That may make me intense but ya know what? I dont care. I love me..and if you dont...ok.

Thank you hunny for that. That really DID completely change my outlook on EVERYTHING!

You really ARE a 2 of Hearts hun!

I wasnt going to address this, but I kinda feel like I should. I revoked my hopeful status. Yours truly is no longer a hopeful I am not saying I will not post nudes, and I am not saying I will not model. Just not for SG. I love this site, but its not what it once was. Now its a popularity contest and to be quite frank, I am way too old to be putting up with that crap. SG has been a big part of my life and has allowed me to be who I am.. but I no longer wish to be a suicide girl. No worries, you will still see me naked I am sure!

so look out world, its a new Fishii... maybe even a new name!? hmmmm *poders*
The way I deal with myself is different then the words or advice I give other people, I just don't want you to be angry or sad I don't want it to consume you to were you never let good things happen to you...
I'm proud of what your becoming keep it up, you become stronger every day
I'm a 'Miss Good Time' girl but I know I am deserving of a loving relationship and I won't give up hope just because of mistakes made in the past and you shouldn't either. Take this time to heal yourself inside and out, and at the same time don't lose your optimism. Even if you don't feel like being optimistic right now.
I agree with you about SG. Love the site, but it is much different than it used to be.