Bloggity McBloggerton here!
I needed to get that out. The cold hard truth is that I AM strong...and I CAN do this.
I was worried about Bitten and aldremech not having fun because I cant really do anything..and feel like total crap still.
But honestly...both of them are so wonderful that I know they will be fine. They are coming to SEE me...and dont need to be entertained.
And my Sabine said it was ok to drink in moderation on New Years. She looked it up on the hospital intraweb and thats what it said about MY antibiotics... in moderation. or two glasses qualifies as moderation doesnt it?? I am so gonna get drunk! Thats what 2 glasses does and Sabine said I could have a few all night!!
Sitting here with a cat on each side of me...earlier Lucia was laying next to my bad foot and she had her paw draped over my ankle..and would look at me and do the squinting thing they do...I call it love effin cute! Jeannie always has to be in my lap...always. no matter what I am doing she tries. That will only last a few days and she will be back to normal. I hope!
I really really want a fish tank...but it has has has to wait until I move. I in no way have the money for one and moving fish to a different state with all my shyte and my 2 cats would stress me out too no fish for the fishii.
I am trying to find a GOOD..I mean GOOD Carb counter. All the ones I found are like $60 and up. My mom said she will buy it but $40 is steep at the moment...not for long tho. I really need one but I am afraid to get it on Ebay...what if someone fucked with it and it doesnt count right??
Thanks AL for putting that in my head!
Anyway, I really need one..and the electronic counter is handier and faster and such.
I might call the ADA or JDRF and see what they have..or if they know where to get one. hmmmmmm
I was supposed ot be in bed a half hour ago..but I went against taking pain meds and wasnt sleepy I stay up an extra hour...I dont have to do anything early and no one is coming in my room to check my damn vitals at 5-6 AM!
SO I started Call of Duty world at war on the Wii..I have it on easy and its so fucking hard! I started screaming profanities at the TV...ppl are gonna think I am I put it down for a bit. I will play tomorrow. My goal is to make it past ONE campaign thingy..
So I have decided to have a DIFFERENT countdown than AL. have TWO visitors I am excited I am counting down until Bitten gets here...thats only 2 days and a wake up...then when I wake up that day and say
Bitten is coming today!!!! Which means that I will see AL tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!
Which sounds much better to me...sounds like less time ya know?
Ok well I just really wanted something positive to look at for a couple of days. This blogging every day and sometimes a couple times a day is starting to irritate me...and we cant have THAT now can we? So unless something really really bad happens...or something really really good happen like I win the lottery or somethin I am just gonna chill...
I love ya all lots...there is a few of you I am wondering where you have been...I used to talk to you all the time and I went into the Hospital and you disappeared...I am SO not mad...its just been a few weeks...
But that could be the damn memory thing again...stupid pills!
*shakes fist*
I wanna laugh please. Can you all post something funny? I honestly think you all have it in impress me with your funniness!
*DANCE monkey DANCE!*

I needed to get that out. The cold hard truth is that I AM strong...and I CAN do this.
I was worried about Bitten and aldremech not having fun because I cant really do anything..and feel like total crap still.
But honestly...both of them are so wonderful that I know they will be fine. They are coming to SEE me...and dont need to be entertained.
And my Sabine said it was ok to drink in moderation on New Years. She looked it up on the hospital intraweb and thats what it said about MY antibiotics... in moderation.

Sitting here with a cat on each side of me...earlier Lucia was laying next to my bad foot and she had her paw draped over my ankle..and would look at me and do the squinting thing they do...I call it love effin cute! Jeannie always has to be in my lap...always. no matter what I am doing she tries. That will only last a few days and she will be back to normal. I hope!

I really really want a fish tank...but it has has has to wait until I move. I in no way have the money for one and moving fish to a different state with all my shyte and my 2 cats would stress me out too no fish for the fishii.

I am trying to find a GOOD..I mean GOOD Carb counter. All the ones I found are like $60 and up. My mom said she will buy it but $40 is steep at the moment...not for long tho. I really need one but I am afraid to get it on Ebay...what if someone fucked with it and it doesnt count right??
Thanks AL for putting that in my head!
Anyway, I really need one..and the electronic counter is handier and faster and such.
I might call the ADA or JDRF and see what they have..or if they know where to get one. hmmmmmm

I was supposed ot be in bed a half hour ago..but I went against taking pain meds and wasnt sleepy I stay up an extra hour...I dont have to do anything early and no one is coming in my room to check my damn vitals at 5-6 AM!
SO I started Call of Duty world at war on the Wii..I have it on easy and its so fucking hard! I started screaming profanities at the TV...ppl are gonna think I am I put it down for a bit. I will play tomorrow. My goal is to make it past ONE campaign thingy..

So I have decided to have a DIFFERENT countdown than AL. have TWO visitors I am excited I am counting down until Bitten gets here...thats only 2 days and a wake up...then when I wake up that day and say
Bitten is coming today!!!! Which means that I will see AL tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!

Which sounds much better to me...sounds like less time ya know?

Ok well I just really wanted something positive to look at for a couple of days. This blogging every day and sometimes a couple times a day is starting to irritate me...and we cant have THAT now can we? So unless something really really bad happens...or something really really good happen like I win the lottery or somethin I am just gonna chill...

I love ya all lots...there is a few of you I am wondering where you have been...I used to talk to you all the time and I went into the Hospital and you disappeared...I am SO not mad...its just been a few weeks...
But that could be the damn memory thing again...stupid pills!
*shakes fist*
I wanna laugh please. Can you all post something funny? I honestly think you all have it in impress me with your funniness!
*DANCE monkey DANCE!*

I hope you continue to feel better with each passing day.