this is what I have to deal with and all for minimum wage:
I had fun on Wednesday. Last House on the Left rocks my little world! ya ya ya so Jake a nugget plays guitar for them but still...they really kick major ass!! I am so proud of them! October the album should be out and i honestly cant wait!!! Go check them out. GO NOW!
Jakeanugget and I are doing well. We are just going back to having all the fun and forgetting all the bullshit. Makes me smile to be able to spend time with and talk to my best friend and even play with my best friend and not have any issues! I finally feel relaxed about the whole thing.
Remember the end of last year? How happy I was with him? Ya well we are getting that back!
yay ME!
So usually I like ppl.
Today is different.
I think its because I hurt and am totally ready to have surgery. This damn foot needs to stop. Its making me grumpy and irritable and I need to just be able to relax!
Going to karaoke tonight with a few friends. I love these girls and KNOW I will have a good time! They are silly and fun and remind me not to take everything so seriously all the time!!
I am off to go run an errand for my mom. I cant wait for her to be on her feet again. This lifestyle just might be the death of me!!!!
Take care beautiful people!!
PS Itsy is gonna be moving in soon! uh oh TWO girls in the same apartment to talk mad trash!! YAY!