I am still weak and feel like my tumors growing is a cloud following me around but I think that I am gonna order this to make me feel better. Ha to wait until I get paid on Wednesday but it will make me smile!
If I am gonna feel like this damn rain cloud is hanging over my head I am gonna be prepared for the rain to come! I really cant afford $30 right now but HEY....it will do the heart and soul good!
Still not dressed. I figure why get dressed? My roommate is not home until tomorrow so I might as well spend the day and night naked!
Any ideas on how I can make my car feel like MY OWN? When it was my moms I had sex in it so I dont think that will work. I smoked a bowl in it already....sigh. It just still doesnt feel like its mine!
I guess its Easter weekend. hmmm I am not religious at all but I guess for all you wonderful ppl (yes I think that having faith is WONDERFUL...its just not for ME!) have a great weekend! I am gonna work at the shop.
OH and my new anchor tattoos on my hands? Ya they are infected. Not bad but if anyone knows what to do that would be great. i know I know I WORK in a shop. I just dont wanna look stupid and ask them there. you all know I am ditsy so you will just laugh and answer my question.....I hope!
Take care all my beautiful friends!
OH and if you haven't already please take a look at my set. I want HONEST opinions. I am getting the bug to shoot again and I would like to know what to change!
get and enjoy your umbrella!