Buckethead last night was a blast. Yes I got waaaaay drunk but I only spent $20!!!
This guy was being a dick...pushing and shoving other guys and girls alike. He was a friend of the band that was playing...(who btw doesnt want to make it big..they just want to play for their fans locally...Sorry but if they made if famous I bet you a million dollars they wouldnt complain!!) and he wanted to get the crowd excited.
Now in order for the crowd to get excited the BAND has to be decent! They really were not bad....the Bass player actually impressed me....but if there is a few FANS in the crowd that are being dicks....the CROWD WONT LIKE THE BAND!!!
So after awhile I move up between wedgie (we will just call him that...you will see why..
) and the guys he is repeatedly elbowing in the chest and stand there and wait. Sure enough he elbows me in the boobies! I take my nails and LIGHTLY scratch him down his back in a seductive way...he turns around and sees me and i tell him he is hurting me.....I like that he is into the band but this isnt a mosh pit..behind me is the place for that. He tells me to fuck off and turns around. So I look at him, not wearing his shirt because he is swinging it around and hitting ppl in the head with it (keep in mind...ppl didnt really like the band anyway...they were just standing there bored...waiting for Buckethead) and his boxers are up over the top of his pants...like ALL the kids are doing now a days!!
So I grab the top of his boxers....and pull so hard that at first I lift MYSELF off the ground...that I see HIM get lifted a little bit. He turns around and gets in my face and I step right back to his. His friend tells him he is being a dick and takes my side...for about 5 minutes. So I take 2 steps back and I wait. Ppl around me are clapping and patting me on the back and laughing and thanking me and I am pretty much like
wimpy guys cant take care of shit themselves.
Well next thing I know...Richette is yelling at this guy for elbowing HER and she is going off. She little too. Shorter than ME! Well there is this guy that kinda had moved his way over and is watching this....and I look at wedgie is getting in her face. At this point i have had enough and I get in his face, take off his hat, and punch him in the side of the head 2 or 3 times. I tell him he is being an ass and we can talk about it outside. So that strange guy (a security guy I guess) and other security come and make HIM leave...and smile at me! I guess they were watching and waiting, but they didnt think it would be a GIRL to take him on!
I leave to go buy myself another drink and 3 ppl come up to me to thank me and buy me a drink! One was even a security guy to thank me!
I go to the bathroom and the girlfriends of the guys in the band were in there and apologized to me...yadda yadda yadda...whatever...free CD..you know..the usual bullshit.
(more to THAT story as well but I am tired...sorry)