i figured its time for a new post, and im gonna try to not make it about how much im missing canada, even though i still am......but yeah anyways
i figured id make it a little more interesting, so yeah.
ok, so im moving house in like 2 weeks, it was my job to clear all my shit from the attic and box the things in my room, well, i started the attic, and i got about one box done when i came across the familly photos, some of them i hadnt seen in forever, see, when my mom and dad got divorced the photo albums kinda dissapeared, i guess my dad didnt wanna see happy families anymore huh, but i spent like 4 hours going through them, and so i thought id share some with you,
if thats cool with you guys.
its only cos i dont have anything good to say so im just filling this journal with crap.hahahaha but youll love it.
<3 maybe....
so yeah, here is a picture of my folks, this is when they were married, they got married early, my om was 18 and my dad was 21, maybe thats why it didnt last who knows, all i know is that there is some champagne on the table and my dad said he was always broke, its probably cos he spent it all on bubbly right......and yeah my dad was sort of a hippy, hence the hair.......
righty then, these are all me as a kid, i think i range from like 12 months to about 5-6 in these pics....i was kinda cute i think, dunno what happened....
aaaah child porn avert the eyes, haha, no seriously, thats my winkle your looking at, you should be ashamed.!!!!!!
christmas was always fun, me (white jumper) and my bro looking at something shitty no doubt, i think thats the year i had a drum set till my dad realised it was a bad plan and smashed it with the hammer.
i think this was one of those pics done by the school or nursery or something, i dunno....
touche motherfucker, i was such a whizz with a sword, i was like dogtanian, aaand you know im wearing those trunks right now, hell yesh.
for those of you that know me, you will be aware im scared of clowns pretty bad, i think this is where the fear began, look at that face, its not impressed, cos some stupid fucking clown came and drew the shittist clown face on me thats why im not impressed, fucking clowns...!!!!
i still love my fooood, and yes i still eat in that chair, haha
ok so i think thats enough photos for now, ooooh except this one of my dog dylan, when he was this old, i was like 14-15 so you know i used him to get the beeeyatches at school,
now hes fat and big, and smells like sewers, so its not so good to get ladies with these days.
well yeah, i think thats all i can be arsed to upload into this journal,
in other news i got a job, wheeee
its in hmv i had to do a test on music games and mooooovies to make sure i knew shit i guess, i must have passed, i thought i did badly too, some of the questions were hard as fuck.....i mean how do i know what cd stands for,......haha im joking, they were questions like, who wrote the music for the opera swan lake, erm, what is number one in the albums charts right now, whats hmv's best selling single ever, but then there were easy ones too, like name the beatles, name the rat pack, who sang thriller, and well im a total games nerd so that was easy, and as for movies, they asked me things about audry hepburn, and various other classics so that was easy too.
man this journal came out kinda long huh, i guess ill be offski then.
toodles peeps.
i figured its time for a new post, and im gonna try to not make it about how much im missing canada, even though i still am......but yeah anyways
i figured id make it a little more interesting, so yeah.
ok, so im moving house in like 2 weeks, it was my job to clear all my shit from the attic and box the things in my room, well, i started the attic, and i got about one box done when i came across the familly photos, some of them i hadnt seen in forever, see, when my mom and dad got divorced the photo albums kinda dissapeared, i guess my dad didnt wanna see happy families anymore huh, but i spent like 4 hours going through them, and so i thought id share some with you,
if thats cool with you guys.
its only cos i dont have anything good to say so im just filling this journal with crap.hahahaha but youll love it.
<3 maybe....
so yeah, here is a picture of my folks, this is when they were married, they got married early, my om was 18 and my dad was 21, maybe thats why it didnt last who knows, all i know is that there is some champagne on the table and my dad said he was always broke, its probably cos he spent it all on bubbly right......and yeah my dad was sort of a hippy, hence the hair.......

righty then, these are all me as a kid, i think i range from like 12 months to about 5-6 in these pics....i was kinda cute i think, dunno what happened....

aaaah child porn avert the eyes, haha, no seriously, thats my winkle your looking at, you should be ashamed.!!!!!!

christmas was always fun, me (white jumper) and my bro looking at something shitty no doubt, i think thats the year i had a drum set till my dad realised it was a bad plan and smashed it with the hammer.

i think this was one of those pics done by the school or nursery or something, i dunno....

touche motherfucker, i was such a whizz with a sword, i was like dogtanian, aaand you know im wearing those trunks right now, hell yesh.

for those of you that know me, you will be aware im scared of clowns pretty bad, i think this is where the fear began, look at that face, its not impressed, cos some stupid fucking clown came and drew the shittist clown face on me thats why im not impressed, fucking clowns...!!!!

i still love my fooood, and yes i still eat in that chair, haha
ok so i think thats enough photos for now, ooooh except this one of my dog dylan, when he was this old, i was like 14-15 so you know i used him to get the beeeyatches at school,

now hes fat and big, and smells like sewers, so its not so good to get ladies with these days.
well yeah, i think thats all i can be arsed to upload into this journal,
in other news i got a job, wheeee
its in hmv i had to do a test on music games and mooooovies to make sure i knew shit i guess, i must have passed, i thought i did badly too, some of the questions were hard as fuck.....i mean how do i know what cd stands for,......haha im joking, they were questions like, who wrote the music for the opera swan lake, erm, what is number one in the albums charts right now, whats hmv's best selling single ever, but then there were easy ones too, like name the beatles, name the rat pack, who sang thriller, and well im a total games nerd so that was easy, and as for movies, they asked me things about audry hepburn, and various other classics so that was easy too.
man this journal came out kinda long huh, i guess ill be offski then.
toodles peeps.
ps watched tank girl today and was like dude where is mr stars
a tacky jesus pic for you.x