Wow its been a very hectic day today in some ways and some ways not. Had to go to deliver some bearded dragons down in London. It was boring sitting in the back of the car had some railway magazines to read. The lady turned up short of cash aswell. Bored on the way home,but i saw Tornado there he was on the back of...
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I have to say i am vey excited to wake up every morning and find friends requests. So far my two days on suicide girls has been fantastic. Thankyou all for the very warm welcome. I am going to take some doggy pictures today (as in the furry kind,with 4 legs) as i havnt updated my pet portfolio in a while.
hey thank you for the Friend request
im good thanks how are you ? your chest tattoo is really cool did it hurt ? how comes you have to wait until december for your set to appear does it have to go through members view etc?

im good thanks how are you ? your chest tattoo is really cool did it hurt ? how comes you have to wait until december for your set to appear does it have to go through members view etc?
hmmm tbh not sure?? i thought that they go into member review right away. I did ask for staff review aswell maybe thats why? my chest hurt a lot! i laughed all the way through. laughed with pain that is!
What a long morning its been. Lots of enquiries of people wanting to work with me through internet sites i advertise on. Mostly all a bunch of weirdo's though. Spent 3 hours ringing up hair salons trying to get some more photography bookings, This whole credit crunch thing isnt going too well at the moment.
I want to find a better photographer for my next...
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I want to find a better photographer for my next...
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nice photography welcome on SG
I quite enjoyed making my first set yesturday. Though i do wish i could of taken a few more photos.I think the set turned out nicely. It took my mind away from the fact i have to go to the doctors soon about my blod test that came back abnormal, It could be quite serious.

Think positive and be happy

thanks. its going to be a long two weeks! i will buisy myself here!