A group for discussion and recommendation of Comic Books and other things that fall under the category of Sequential Art.
This is the place for Star Wars fans to congregate and discuss the greatest achievement in american culture and film. EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, GREATEST MOVIE EVER!!!!
When the only thing deciding life and death is a roll of the dice ... When what stands between you and your life's goal is a twelve foot tall black dragon ... When you feel the only way to get your way is through Dominate ... When you need to …
"Everything is becoming science fiction. From the margins of an almost invisible literature has sprung the intact reality of the 20th century." --J.G. Ballard Come surf the future fantastic with us.
For those who like to watch, show off, or a bit of both. This is a closed group, access is on an approved basis using the following criteria: Don't be a creep. To join this group you must be an active member of the site, meaning you post comments on …
PLEASE READ BEFORE APPLYING TO JOIN! JOINING CRITERIA: 1. You must have personal photos of yourself on your page whether it be a profile photo or uploads. 2. You must have an active blog/uploads, ie blogging/posting photos at least once a month minimum. 3. You must actively comment around the …
Small ones, phat ones, man or lady ass, white, pink, chocolate, honey coloured, covered in panties, covered by nothing, whipped cream, bite marks, or hand slaps. Do you love to admire butts? Love to discuss ass? Then this is your group. No Spam No links! Any continual violators will be …
All things related to tv shows and cartoons! Woo! Please don't spoil anything!
Movies, books, TV, comics, games, hobbies, interests, obsessions, anything and everything that affects your life and isn't covered in the other groups!