My girlfriend and I were talking today and the topic of feminism and post-feminism came up and I commented that I think we need to stop putting people into groups like that, and that the main problem I had with many people who claimed to be feminists or "empowered" was that their method of showing this was to encourage and display the negative aspects and behaviors usually associated with men.
Am I going to be called a misogynist if I call a girl an obnoxious asshole if she's being an obnoxious asshole? Maybe I just don't like obnoxious assholes* whether they're girls or guys.
(*This is, in fact, the case.)
This reminds me of another thing. You know when people get offended on someone's behalf? I hate that. I'm not talking about if I said, for example, Sophie is such a bitch*, and someone else got offended by that. I mean... case in point... I referred to "my girlfriend" once and someone said the term was insulting and belittling and that I should use a more neutral or empowered term.
(*I only use this as an example because I think Sophie is an exceptionally wonderful person, and if anyone seriously said that, I'd completely take exception to that comment and tear a strip off them.)
Hey, guess what? If she were offended by it, I'd use a different term. Don't be offended on her behalf. Don't assume that she's just not smart enough to know better. That's insulting to her. Don't assume she's fearful of challenging me and the male status quo. That's insulting to me. You don't know anything about me! If you do try to confront me on her unrequested behalf, I'm going to tell you not to be an obnoxious asshole, and I will be insulting.
I'm jus' sayin' is all.
Hello, dear readers!
I must say, I'm pretty freakin' happy. My girl is coming back to see me pretty soon. Long distance relationships are hard... the distance is such an overbearing enemy. We're alleviating this by spending an absurd (and wholly awesome) amount of time talking on the phone, and I'm finally digging into my rather large (if I may say so myself) horde of air points.
Victoria EVENT!
Victoria Event