If everything is so extremely perfect in one specific way, does it increase the chance of other related things being extremely imperfect? If I've found my perfect girl, as I seem to have done, and I am her perfect boy, as she seems to believe... was it just inevitable that we'd live thousands of miles apart?
I'm not questioning for a second that I want to be with her and that I'll do what it takes... stick it out for as long as it takes... but... goddammit universe, what is this? Punishment for being an atheist? A cosmic balance against the sheer radness of our coupling? Some metaphysical Turing test of love?
Seriously, I'd like to know. You know where to reach me, universe, but you better come waving a white flag.
In other news, my girl is pretty frickin' rad. She's introduced me to a lot of new things... one of the coolest is Wizard People, Dear Reader by her friend Brad Neely. It's a new narrative soundtrack for the first Harry Potter movie. It's given me a lot of new phrases and odd word things to use during my day to day soliloquies.
lead into gold, horses into gold, immortal life, giving a ghost a restored body, frag trolls, trolls into gold, etc...
EDIT: too hot ot type well
[Edited on Jun 20, 2005 11:56AM]
This is all so inspiring and sickening at once!