Wednesday Feb 23, 2005 Feb 23, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email I was feeling saucy. (i was told i shouldn't have to put a disclaimer that this is a joke, and i agree, but i have to say, i'm surprised at how *positively* this shirt is received. yay for cool people. ) VIEW 8 of 8 COMMENTS mishou: At a minimum I have sex with myself. That counts right? Feb 23, 2005 lilyk: mish and i decided that since we currently have sex with our selves... you, me, her, mason (strippers count if you have dated them in the double digits) and we are still working on a target list... ha! Feb 23, 2005
you, me, her, mason (strippers count if you have dated them in the double digits) and we are still working on a target list...