I will continue pining for my vacation today.
This is the only sunset I bore explicit witness to on my trip. It's the view from the top of the Mahona Bay crater, as we began our hike back after body boarding in the surf of the green sand beach.
Highlights of the day were... snorkeling with sea turtles at Kahalu'u, the dozens of menhir-like power windmills on the road to South Point, 50 foot cliff diving, seeing a green sand beach, walking back into the sunset, going by the windmills again at night (very creepy), and learning how to identify the Orion constellation (I know, probably easy, but hey, I didn't know then).
The windmills were very cool. The area was deserted, and they reminded me of structures that might have been built by the Morlocks. I expected at any moment for an alarm to sound and doors at their base to open and Elois to start going in or out. Driving back by them, at night, the most striking thing was the sound they made as they turned - it was a combination of a screech and a scream, and it seemed to come from all directions. Very creepy.

This is the only sunset I bore explicit witness to on my trip. It's the view from the top of the Mahona Bay crater, as we began our hike back after body boarding in the surf of the green sand beach.
Highlights of the day were... snorkeling with sea turtles at Kahalu'u, the dozens of menhir-like power windmills on the road to South Point, 50 foot cliff diving, seeing a green sand beach, walking back into the sunset, going by the windmills again at night (very creepy), and learning how to identify the Orion constellation (I know, probably easy, but hey, I didn't know then).

The windmills were very cool. The area was deserted, and they reminded me of structures that might have been built by the Morlocks. I expected at any moment for an alarm to sound and doors at their base to open and Elois to start going in or out. Driving back by them, at night, the most striking thing was the sound they made as they turned - it was a combination of a screech and a scream, and it seemed to come from all directions. Very creepy.
how are you on this fine day?