Thank whoever your personal deity of the moment is I live down the street from a caf. (That's right, I have an acute and I'm not afraid to use it!). Am I somehow lacking in reaching my personal potential because I have neither a coffee maker nor a teapot at the moment? Sometimes I wonder. But after a mostly sleepness night filled with all the wonders that insomnia has to offer, having someone make me coffee was a bit of a treat.
Last week at almost exactly this time, I was riding shotgun on the way to Kahalu'u beach, taking photos out the window. We were passing by one of those immense cruise ships moored just off the coast, and my eye was glued to my camera. I snapped a pic as we were zipping by and pulled the camera away to check out my handywork when, to my dismay, my shock and awe even, I saw ...

Hilarity ensued. I did get a shot of the cruise ship, but it's nothing in comparison to that monstrosity.
(ps: hi Sophie - you inspired me to start writing here as well. SG people are too much fun, afterall.)
at least you got breakfast 

Coffee and orange juice... I suppose I've had worse breakfasts.