- you're never too old to make new friends
- my friends are still pretty rad
- the 30s are the new 20s
- people appreciate me
- family extends far beyond blood relatives
- you CAN teach an old dog new tricks
- there is more of my father in me than i would have guessed
- my love of lists is still going strong
- moving past something doesn't mean forgiving, and it doesn't mean forgetting
- i would rather be realistic than optimistic
- i will work to make my optimistic view the reality
- the moment is as important as the future
Well, anyway, 2006 did mark one significant event. My divorce was completed. It was with a mixture of regret and relief that i assembled family and friends and had a party. Not in my honor, but to celebrate the end of something that was filled with both good and bad, in a fitting fashion. I often think back on my marriage with regret, not for the hurtful things, but that we didn't hold onto the happy moments with a firmer grip.
I don't make New Years resolutions. They've been trivialized to the point of useless cliche, like the fortune from a cookie that you're just going to forget about or throw away. If I did, though, I would say that I will try not to let good things slip by. It sounds simple, doesn't it?
How was your year?
I liked your opinions on the board (ISOHUNT), its hard to find someone who is in the 'middle' when it comes to information rights