I passed out last night at around 2:30 am, which is amazingly early. I think the weed and the wine had something to do with it.
I woke up at nine or so, but ended up rolling over and going back to sleep repeatedly until around 3. I just couldn't think of anything I particularly wanted to do or anyone I wanted to see, so I stayed in bed. I hate random depressing days like today.
I finally got up, sat around staring at the walls for a couple hours, and going to work, which was dull and depressing.
Now I have returned to my lair with a few groceries, a bottle of gin, and a fresh bag of grass, and I intend to chill out, make Xmas gifts (I'm not buying anything this year), and watch Futurama.
Hooray for me and fuck you.
(no, of course I don't mean you, I like you.)

I woke up at nine or so, but ended up rolling over and going back to sleep repeatedly until around 3. I just couldn't think of anything I particularly wanted to do or anyone I wanted to see, so I stayed in bed. I hate random depressing days like today.
I finally got up, sat around staring at the walls for a couple hours, and going to work, which was dull and depressing.
Now I have returned to my lair with a few groceries, a bottle of gin, and a fresh bag of grass, and I intend to chill out, make Xmas gifts (I'm not buying anything this year), and watch Futurama.
Hooray for me and fuck you.
(no, of course I don't mean you, I like you.)

Anyway, I tried ringing you back up like six minutes after you called me, but you were looking at PORN, weren't'cha?!
I stayed up pretty late last night making gifts, too, only I'm at work, now. Gimme a ring today, yes?
know how all that can feel man