Outside it is cold(ish).
The cat, she is asleep.
My class, it was cancelled.
My soup, it is good.
I found Sideways Stories From Wayside School for sale at the library for fifty cents! Who wants MrSmead flavored ice cream?!
The cat, she is awake.
I think I'll have some more soup.
What's your favorite internet radio station? I've been hooked on the ones that come with Winamp 5. Damn dial-up only gets a handful, though......
Today has turned scuzzy outside, very dark, cold, and wet.
So to hell with my six o'clock class!
Toast and tea instead!
Outside it is cold(ish).
The cat, she is asleep.
My class, it was cancelled.
My soup, it is good.
I found Sideways Stories From Wayside School for sale at the library for fifty cents! Who wants MrSmead flavored ice cream?!
The cat, she is awake.
I think I'll have some more soup.
What's your favorite internet radio station? I've been hooked on the ones that come with Winamp 5. Damn dial-up only gets a handful, though......
Today has turned scuzzy outside, very dark, cold, and wet.
So to hell with my six o'clock class!
Toast and tea instead!
hey thanks for letting me know about sg sav
Sideways Stories From Wayside School rocks! I haven't read that book in years though. If you liked that one then you should check out "My teacher is an Alien" and the whole series of books that go with it. Like "My teacher Flunked the Planet". Good stuff...