i havent been on the computer in months. i started getting panick attacks everytime i would turn on the computer. weird huh? i am better now, obiviously, and a lot has changed.
first of all, i am cook now at isaacs.
secondly, i have really short and cute pixie hair, and as soon as find my adapter for my camera...
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i havent been on the computer in months. i started getting panick attacks everytime i would turn on the computer. weird huh? i am better now, obiviously, and a lot has changed.
first of all, i am cook now at isaacs.
secondly, i have really short and cute pixie hair, and as soon as find my adapter for my camera...
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wow! i had a great weekend in albuquerque! i made out with a hot stripper from the lusty lady in san fran (one who totally helped organizd the unionization there and a speaker at the femme conference). befriended jen sincero (naked in the hot tub at betty's day spa and out to lunch with), the author of "straight girls guide to sleeping with chicks" and...
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<in my best waitstaff singing voice> happy happy birthday, happy happy birthday; it's your birthday, happy happy birthday!!!
AKA the birthday stalker


AKA the birthday stalker

Hey you, Good looking
happy Birthday dammit...Smooches

i am So EXCITED!!! i am flying out to albuquerque in two weeks for my friend katies' wedding. she and her partner tammy are SO CUTE together. the reception is a roller skating party, how cool? i am doing her make-up and her dress is hot pink and gold. this is so fabulous. i cant wait till i move out there in november, it will...
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yes it is in albuquerque, i think its on old route 66? have fun!

Girl you are BEAUTIFUL, and I wish you the best of luck in Albuquerque, and everywhere you go! I will totally get your video's when they come out and look for you in magazines!!!
FRIDAY!!! okay my new job is basically job/rape. i bust my ass cleaning rich people's home and get paid jack squat. i wish the fucking starbucks distr. co would call me. i want to drive A FORK LIFT so bad. plus you make so much money there. i got through one interview... just three more to go.
in the mean time i should go to...
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in the mean time i should go to...
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aww, I wish I lied closer to! I'd love, LOVE to take pictures of you.
I'm glad you got accepted, please try and get your set in ASAP, da boss has a new policy that girls have to get their sets and info in within one month of being accepted.

I'm glad you got accepted, please try and get your set in ASAP, da boss has a new policy that girls have to get their sets and info in within one month of being accepted.

camping sounds like great fun! I'm sorry the job is crappy. Temp agencies are pretty rad sometimes. I got a couple really neat jobs through one when I was 18. Good luck. I hope the jobs you want call back soon.

today my card was 5 of cups. 3 were dumped over and two were still full, meaning i am disappointed with intimate relationships (YES), i am sad (YES), and i have a desire to move on (YES YES YES). i had written my ex a letter about a week ago asking her to dump her new girlfriend (the one she cheated on me with) and...
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Oh man. All of Lifted or the story... gets me in the chest region. good old bright eyes.
not having sex, makes me obsessed with sexual things. it's the devil. However it does give me reason to touch myself often. It's almost time to leave work and I cant wait. aklasdjf. Do you have fun and exciting plans for the weekend? I have copious amounts of green things to smoke and eat. My friend is coming down from portland for the weekend and we're having a bbq ok the lake. I do love bbq's. fat girls love food. its what I do.
not having sex, makes me obsessed with sexual things. it's the devil. However it does give me reason to touch myself often. It's almost time to leave work and I cant wait. aklasdjf. Do you have fun and exciting plans for the weekend? I have copious amounts of green things to smoke and eat. My friend is coming down from portland for the weekend and we're having a bbq ok the lake. I do love bbq's. fat girls love food. its what I do.
during the tsunami disaster stuff I was trying like hell to go help. Every volunteer organization was already booked for volunteers. it's an awful position to be in, watching all these things happening on television and not having the means to help. I just stop watching the news. i listen to npr on the way to and from work and that's enough to keep me on top of things. I get really depressed about terrible things happening, too. I'm sorry it's upsetting you so much.
People will probably appreciate letters and things, soon. When all the flooding stops. You can make a penpal or something with someone who lost their home and give them a place to talk about stuff, maybe. it's early, I lack brain power when its early.
People will probably appreciate letters and things, soon. When all the flooding stops. You can make a penpal or something with someone who lost their home and give them a place to talk about stuff, maybe. it's early, I lack brain power when its early.
i have spent the last 48 hours trying to fix my computer and finally it is working again. i will know go downtairs and eat the delicious alfredo sauce/noodles that jill made last night. it has bacon in it and snow peas and chicken and gouda cheese. i am getting wet thinking about it.
i have job interview on wed, so excited although i have...
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i have job interview on wed, so excited although i have...
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awww sweetheart! that's all you had to say!
I, for one, can say I will be more than happy to hang out with you when you get here!!
I, for one, can say I will be more than happy to hang out with you when you get here!!

I'm ok with being either, or both, though that might be strange. certainly worth a shot.
it's the best book. you have perfect taste.
typos when I'm stoned. damn the man.
[Edited on Aug 30, 2005 12:29AM]
it's the best book. you have perfect taste.
typos when I'm stoned. damn the man.
[Edited on Aug 30, 2005 12:29AM]
oh my god i cant believe i havent been on this website since MAY. holy crap. i feel like coming back now. although, i havent seen my gayboyfriend/photographer in forever. i need him. i guess ill have to improvise....
now i must go be clever....
now i must go be clever....
nina hartley and tegan and sara. oh my. I might have a giant crush on you soon. just so you're warned. heh.

not to be all moderatory on ya, but your set has to be at least 10 pics to go up in PSW. Read the rules thread for more info. 

yesterday fucking sucked. at a routine visit to the doctor, i asked her to check my blood sugar because recently a friend of mine said she thought that i might have diabetes. sure as shit, i was diagnosed on the spot. atleast it is type 2, so i dont have to take insulin. however, i do have to lose a ton of weight to attemt...
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that sucks. I have a feeling Im in the same boat.
Why did your friend think you might have diabetes?
It runs in my family, my dad has it, his grandma had it, my grandma on my moms side has it, as well as my aunt and my cousin. It sucks.
Why did your friend think you might have diabetes?
It runs in my family, my dad has it, his grandma had it, my grandma on my moms side has it, as well as my aunt and my cousin. It sucks.

Sorry to hear about that...diabetes runs in my family too.... i hope everything gets better for you!

today was terrible. i got all my bills in the mail, and realized that i am in serious fucking trouble financially. i have so much credit card debt (almost 10,000 $) that i cant even pay my bills anymore. so i went to get a loan from my credit union, the lady was a bitch, and totally denied me. then i cried because i thought...
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ooo... im glad they helped u. 

left a mean letter in my ex's mailbox and picked some lilacs from her bush today. i feel much better now, i think it is important to get the last word in when you get fucked over and a letter is the best way to do it. ps. amy is so fucking hot. last night we made out for hours and it ruled! i told...
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woo hoo....I love making out!!

either way, take care,