One thing i should get off my mind for all you to know,
If i see one more girl with fake tits and the fat sucked out of them on this site i'm gonna drop it. this site is supposed to set an example to "redefine beauty" not to show us the shit that the rest of American society (and God knows how many other societies) wants us to think is "beauty" . isn't that the point of this site ? to show a new and fresh side of beauty? the beauty of REAL FUCKING PEOPLE, with real unique lives, personalities, and ambition. Not fucked up barbie dolls with one lower back tat that have the personality of a fucking snow pee !! Keep pumping them out plastic, and i'll keep commenting until i get thrown the fuck off.
if you feel the same don't be ashamed to let me know
if you don't feel the same. well you wasted your time reading this you FUCK !
If i see one more girl with fake tits and the fat sucked out of them on this site i'm gonna drop it. this site is supposed to set an example to "redefine beauty" not to show us the shit that the rest of American society (and God knows how many other societies) wants us to think is "beauty" . isn't that the point of this site ? to show a new and fresh side of beauty? the beauty of REAL FUCKING PEOPLE, with real unique lives, personalities, and ambition. Not fucked up barbie dolls with one lower back tat that have the personality of a fucking snow pee !! Keep pumping them out plastic, and i'll keep commenting until i get thrown the fuck off.
if you feel the same don't be ashamed to let me know
if you don't feel the same. well you wasted your time reading this you FUCK !

its not so much the fake tit thing...its just some vanilla girls that should be in lads mags x

ohh thank you!!:****