I wanted to say sorry to all of those that I normaly keep up with and post on ur blogs, I havent been going very well lateley. My depression is at an all time low. I havent wanted to talk to anyone lately because ever time somone asks me how things are going I lie and tell them I am alright, even to my closest friends it has been hard to keep this put. I have fond my self in a very dark and I feel all alone. My hubby is the only reason I get out of bed in the morning these days. We may have to move in with my parents it is something that will hurt me more then anything. Hubby has been working so hard to keep up a float. He cant talk to me about money because I end up crying for two days straight. I just dont know what else I can do I hate this feeling like I have no control over my life. I am scared of what may happen to me if we move in with my parents, when I was much younger I would hurt my self when I felt like I had no control. Now I am a much stronger person then I was back then but things are much harder for me right now. I am sorry this is depressing to anyone to read I have no were else to turn to so this is my place to vent. For the few friends that I do have and do care I havent shared these things with you because I would never want you to see me this way.
Just remember, it will all pass in time. This experience will have you appreciate the good things you have and will have in life. You have to believe in that.