(For those who don't give a shit about my life reeeally, I forgive you if you skip right to video fun times at the end of this blog. It brings the lolz.)
Hey stud muffins!
So for all of you out here who work retail, and will be over the Holidays.. thi is when Hell ensues.
Not only am I already going slightly batty from the Christmas music (that, at my place of work, consists of 50% of our satellite station already), but I'm already staying until close to 10pm, at a fucking mall, and it will only get worse when our Holiday hours kick in and I'm there until 11pm. What the FUCK you retail slave a-holes.. I hope you're frigging prepared for me showing up hung over all the time, because drinking will be my temporary cure for dealing with how badly people treat me because I don't have gift reciepts.. or I don't have the red and green dress in your severly overweight daughters' size.
It's a wonder I haven't let something rudely sarcastic slip, and as a result get my ass canned.
I haven't even started my shopping yet, which I blame sheerly on my 'bah humbug' attitude that I have from work. I only have 3 people to buy for this year though, which is nice.
Can you believe I used to spend $400+ every fucking Christmas on my ex boyfriend??! I'd be in eBay battles for collectible maquettes and buying fancy watches. So needless to say, I'm pretty happy about this
Previously.. on The Days Of My Life..
I had a rad weekend and partied hard. I went to The Matadors on Friday night in Toronto, accompanied by some friends and casual sex guy. Saturday night we saw The Brains in Oshawa (who are RADICAL for anyone who's into rockabilly/psychobilly) and was severly eye-fucked by the upright bass player. By the way, for anyone who knows any single men who play this instrument, I strongly urge you to put me in touch
Saturday night, we had drinks at my friends' place prior to the bar, and my ex was there. I've already decided I'm going to be as kind and civil as possible with him in public. He was pretty tipsy when I got there and had a lot he wanted to talk to me about apparently, but it was just casual conversation about bands we like and such.
So we went to the show, and I met up with casual sex guy (who I will now refer to as Bill, as in Bill Compton, and anyone who doesn't know who that is should google this immediately and swoon) amongst others. Anyhow, I'm drunk and dancing and having an awesome time. Lately, I've taken up smoking when I drink. I used to do this a lot, and I also used to be a regular smoker but quit about 5 years ago. Anyhow, my ex sees me out front smoking and gets a'"Smoking, really? Why? Put that out." And just being generally irritating. So I tell him, "But you know what's more slimy than smokers? Liars." BAM.
So after the show, we all drive with a friend back to the pre-drink house, including Bill and my ex in the same van. Everyone's talking and there's music on, so it's slightly loud. My ex, who jumps at the chance to sit beside me, starts saying "You should let me walk you home so we can talk" and other various things, and I get so angry that I'm yelling at him in this van to stop it. Afterwards, he somehow makes Bill feel awkward, I'd rather not ask Bill how since I don't ever want my past relationship to seep into ours.
My ex decides to go home instead of come with everyone to keep drinking, which was a wise idea indeed.
Eww.. he needs to stop embarrassing himself. When I got home that night, I saw that he'd sent me something like 20 texts throughout the evening.
Soo.. on the topic of Bill, things are going reeeeally well! I think we might be going in the direction of possibly seeing eachother, but we'll see. I'm totally playing this shit like a dude, so as to not get caught up in something too quickly. But Friday night, I went back to his place with him and ended up staying the night. We hadn't stayed at either ones' house yet, since we're both very personal with our sleeping space. But he was all "Well why don't you stay here and I'll drive you home in the morning." So I did. And in the morning.. his Mom insisted on driving us? (He lives in a basement apartment at his parents.. ehh, it'll do) So I'm doing the walk of shame into his car, that for me meant "Please don't look at me with those 'I know what you did in my basement with my son last night' eyes". She was very pleasant, and hilariously broke out a tiny photo album from her purse to show me photos of Chris in a tux from his brothers' wedding a few weeks prior! Hahaha... d'aww!
So funny. Gotta love parents!
When I got off work today, I had a voicemail from him
It was really nice to hear from him. Jesus, look at me!! Someone tell me I'm acting disgusting. But that night, he told me I was beautiful and talked about how important it was to him to have a good woman in his life. So I took this as a "you're definitely in consideration", which I'm quite happy about!
So yes.. this is horrendously long. And whilst typing this, I've consumed an entire box of Kraft dinner. Look who's going to the gym tomorrow.
P.S. Does anyone have any superawesome bands they can suggest? I need new listening material. I'm into super loud, grungy rock and roll, rockabilly, real retro country, and metal. Cheers!
Hey stud muffins!
So for all of you out here who work retail, and will be over the Holidays.. thi is when Hell ensues.
Not only am I already going slightly batty from the Christmas music (that, at my place of work, consists of 50% of our satellite station already), but I'm already staying until close to 10pm, at a fucking mall, and it will only get worse when our Holiday hours kick in and I'm there until 11pm. What the FUCK you retail slave a-holes.. I hope you're frigging prepared for me showing up hung over all the time, because drinking will be my temporary cure for dealing with how badly people treat me because I don't have gift reciepts.. or I don't have the red and green dress in your severly overweight daughters' size.
It's a wonder I haven't let something rudely sarcastic slip, and as a result get my ass canned.
I haven't even started my shopping yet, which I blame sheerly on my 'bah humbug' attitude that I have from work. I only have 3 people to buy for this year though, which is nice.
Can you believe I used to spend $400+ every fucking Christmas on my ex boyfriend??! I'd be in eBay battles for collectible maquettes and buying fancy watches. So needless to say, I'm pretty happy about this

Previously.. on The Days Of My Life..
I had a rad weekend and partied hard. I went to The Matadors on Friday night in Toronto, accompanied by some friends and casual sex guy. Saturday night we saw The Brains in Oshawa (who are RADICAL for anyone who's into rockabilly/psychobilly) and was severly eye-fucked by the upright bass player. By the way, for anyone who knows any single men who play this instrument, I strongly urge you to put me in touch

Saturday night, we had drinks at my friends' place prior to the bar, and my ex was there. I've already decided I'm going to be as kind and civil as possible with him in public. He was pretty tipsy when I got there and had a lot he wanted to talk to me about apparently, but it was just casual conversation about bands we like and such.
So we went to the show, and I met up with casual sex guy (who I will now refer to as Bill, as in Bill Compton, and anyone who doesn't know who that is should google this immediately and swoon) amongst others. Anyhow, I'm drunk and dancing and having an awesome time. Lately, I've taken up smoking when I drink. I used to do this a lot, and I also used to be a regular smoker but quit about 5 years ago. Anyhow, my ex sees me out front smoking and gets a'"Smoking, really? Why? Put that out." And just being generally irritating. So I tell him, "But you know what's more slimy than smokers? Liars." BAM.
So after the show, we all drive with a friend back to the pre-drink house, including Bill and my ex in the same van. Everyone's talking and there's music on, so it's slightly loud. My ex, who jumps at the chance to sit beside me, starts saying "You should let me walk you home so we can talk" and other various things, and I get so angry that I'm yelling at him in this van to stop it. Afterwards, he somehow makes Bill feel awkward, I'd rather not ask Bill how since I don't ever want my past relationship to seep into ours.
My ex decides to go home instead of come with everyone to keep drinking, which was a wise idea indeed.
Eww.. he needs to stop embarrassing himself. When I got home that night, I saw that he'd sent me something like 20 texts throughout the evening.
Soo.. on the topic of Bill, things are going reeeeally well! I think we might be going in the direction of possibly seeing eachother, but we'll see. I'm totally playing this shit like a dude, so as to not get caught up in something too quickly. But Friday night, I went back to his place with him and ended up staying the night. We hadn't stayed at either ones' house yet, since we're both very personal with our sleeping space. But he was all "Well why don't you stay here and I'll drive you home in the morning." So I did. And in the morning.. his Mom insisted on driving us? (He lives in a basement apartment at his parents.. ehh, it'll do) So I'm doing the walk of shame into his car, that for me meant "Please don't look at me with those 'I know what you did in my basement with my son last night' eyes". She was very pleasant, and hilariously broke out a tiny photo album from her purse to show me photos of Chris in a tux from his brothers' wedding a few weeks prior! Hahaha... d'aww!
So funny. Gotta love parents!
When I got off work today, I had a voicemail from him

So yes.. this is horrendously long. And whilst typing this, I've consumed an entire box of Kraft dinner. Look who's going to the gym tomorrow.
P.S. Does anyone have any superawesome bands they can suggest? I need new listening material. I'm into super loud, grungy rock and roll, rockabilly, real retro country, and metal. Cheers!
you just tell me when you can come & i'll try to be there. tell me in advance and i'll make sure it doesn't interfere with anything else, potentially work related.