I've pretty much had the craziest 5 days evaar. Here goes. And I'm sorry if it's long..

For your convenience, if you'd like to skip over the crazy drama that is my recent breakup, don't read the spoiler. You can just head right on down to my sexy weekend!
So it's Friday night, and I'm really bummed about everything that happened the night before. I'm almost renewed in a way, because I feel like Thursday sort of said, "Hey woman, you made the right decision. Stick to your guns, cause you deserve better!".
I called my friend and asked where the party was, and went on over to a friends.
There were about 12 of us drinking and having a rad time, and it was helping me forget about the bullshit and appreciate all of my friends!
A little bit into the night, this guy (who, by the way, is 'that' guy that you and your friends swoon over but can't tell anyone but eachother because you've all got boyfriends. Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about! ) that I've always had a silent crush on, cleeeearly can't take his eyes off me, enough to make my girlfriend notice and giggle to me about it.
We end up flirting a little, and at the end of the night end up drunkenly holding hands. But eff dudes, it was CUTE. This guy is a romantic, I tells ya!
Thennn we end up making out in the secrecy of the kitchen for a minute. Oopsie!
We ended up at the same party on Sunday night, where he invited me back to his place "for pizza", HA. We totally did it, and it was haaawt.
And we woke his Mom. And then he proceeded to tell me he's liked me for a long time and wants to take me out.
Awwwkward. I'll have to think about this one. Could have just been pillow talk though, ya know?
I'll be seeing him tonight more than likely at my friends' place. I asked him to keep tight lipped on our evening, since I didn't want my private life circulating at a time like this. He agreed, and was totally okay with that.
I'll be sure to fill you in on what happens with this, because I like to pretend that people take an interest in all of this bullshit that I blog about all the time, haha!
That is my story. And yes, it was goood
P.S. How was everyone's Thanksgiving?! NOMZzz!!
i'll totally do it with you.
just tell me when you wanna go.
ps - i had sidekicks tonight too. ooooh.