So first off, RIP Mikey and Farrah! And don't forget Mr. Fantastic himself, Billy Mayes!!
Dang, glad June's over tomorrow, it's freaking cursed.
I'm now officially a redhead, yay! It'll take some getting used to but I think it looks great. I'm sure there'll be some candid drunk photos of me on here soon since all of my friends are the party paparazzi. But if they didn't capture my night, most of the time my memory wouldn't either!
So I think I'm getting the hang of this whole blogging thing. I've never really blogged before, or followed others' blogs. I'm trying to keep caught up on as many people as I can, to the point that I left my lentil patty on the frying pan which left it severely burned. I'm eating it anyways. It tastes like shit. Someone once told me charred foods are carcinogenic?..
4 weeks today until my AZ/CA/NV roadtrip!! I'm so stoked, I just want to time travel into the future.
I just found out we're going to miss a KISS show in Cali while we're in Arizona which sucks. But I'm just too excited about all of the other random fantastical things that are bound to happen!
I've been trying to research ideas to keep safe and 'unrobbed' while travelling in an RV. Anyone have any suggestions or advice? I think we're going to stick some LED lights in window corners to simulate an alarm system so we aren't robbed blind while away from the RV, or sleeping?! Creeeepy! No truck stops for us, that's for damned sure.
PS. Everyone seems to be blogging about Transformers. So I saw it, and it's pretty rad. And Optimus Prime is a sex machine.
No pun intended.
Also, enjoy Nut Milk and a vintage photo of yours truly with a sick 'stache.

Dang, glad June's over tomorrow, it's freaking cursed.
I'm now officially a redhead, yay! It'll take some getting used to but I think it looks great. I'm sure there'll be some candid drunk photos of me on here soon since all of my friends are the party paparazzi. But if they didn't capture my night, most of the time my memory wouldn't either!
So I think I'm getting the hang of this whole blogging thing. I've never really blogged before, or followed others' blogs. I'm trying to keep caught up on as many people as I can, to the point that I left my lentil patty on the frying pan which left it severely burned. I'm eating it anyways. It tastes like shit. Someone once told me charred foods are carcinogenic?..
4 weeks today until my AZ/CA/NV roadtrip!! I'm so stoked, I just want to time travel into the future.
I just found out we're going to miss a KISS show in Cali while we're in Arizona which sucks. But I'm just too excited about all of the other random fantastical things that are bound to happen!
I've been trying to research ideas to keep safe and 'unrobbed' while travelling in an RV. Anyone have any suggestions or advice? I think we're going to stick some LED lights in window corners to simulate an alarm system so we aren't robbed blind while away from the RV, or sleeping?! Creeeepy! No truck stops for us, that's for damned sure.
PS. Everyone seems to be blogging about Transformers. So I saw it, and it's pretty rad. And Optimus Prime is a sex machine.

Also, enjoy Nut Milk and a vintage photo of yours truly with a sick 'stache.

Now dear, Optimus as a sex machine? Interesting.
Charred foods have some carcinogens but in minute proportions.: Nevertheless, the fact that the food contains minute quantities does not necessarily mean that there is a significant hazard, although eliminating exposure may decrease one's odds of getting cancer, the gastrointestinal tract sheds its outer layer continuously to protect itself from carcinomas, and has a high activity of detoxifying enzymes.
It was suggested that we place a rubber limb strategically to simulate someone lounging, which I found hilarious. Although oddly enough, i have plenty of rubber limbs lying around my apartment!